RE: Mandated Video Format

On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 01:29 +0200, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:
> Chris Wilson wrote:
>  > > We would personally prefer the MPEG-4 family of codecs (AAC, MPEG-4
>  > > Part II, H.264) to be a common baseline.
>  > > We don't think it's appropriate to mandate it in the spec, though
>  > Yeah, what he said.  :)
> Let me take a different view. 
> I will argue that (a) having a universally understood baseline video
> format is a good thing for the web; (b) that in order to achieve this,
> the specifications must mandate it; and (c) that MPEG-4/H.264 isn't
> it.

Your argument makes a good case for a standardization effort.
If there are two other member organizations that support it,
that's sufficient to start an incubator group.

By making your argument here, you're asking me chair a discussion
of which video codec is right for the web. I'm nearly overwhelmed
by the breadth of the discussion topics already in our scope
without adding this one.

If there were consensus to add this to our charter, I would consider
putting together a proposal to the W3C membership to do so.
But opinions are clearly divided, so I suggest we leave it
out of scope for this Working Group.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 6 April 2007 13:27:43 UTC