Re: argument for deprecating BLOCKQUOTE in canonical HTML/XHTML

Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:49:31 +0200, Dao Gottwald <> 
> wrote:
>> Because stuff can be quoted inline and across blocks. If QUOTE is 
>> inline, you can't wrap block-level content without violating the spec.
> Why do you have to constrain it?

Because it has to be rendered somehow.

>> CSS doesn't help, as it's irrelevant to the construction of the DOM tree.
> It is? How can <quote><p> vs <p><quote> (for example) be irrelevant?

CSS is irrelevant to the <quote><p> vs <p><quote> issue. E.g. <span 
style="display:block"><p></span> is invalid.

>> I guess it would be possible to define QUOTE as flexible as DEL and 
>> INS, but styling that wouldn't be trivial.
> Yes it would. Inline quote:
>   <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent
>     euismod. <quote>Integer condimentum, urna at feugiat mollis, nisl est
>     condimentum ante, eu elementum sapien turpis at risus.</quote>
>   </p>
>   p > quote { backgorund-color: #ccc; }

That's only one of many possible scenarios.

> Two-paragraph quote:
>   <quote>
>     <p>Cras erat nisi, venenatis non, aliquet a, aliquam vitae, magna.
>       Nulla augue sapien, venenatis sed, elementum euismod, sodales in,
>       felis. Nam at magna. Quisque quis est vitae lectus accumsan
>       sagittis.</p>
>     <p>Quisque ornare lorem vel tellus vulputate egestas. Proin eu tellus.
>       Suspendisse potenti. Proin hendrerit lobortis nibh. Cras accumsan
>       libero et orci. Pellentesque tincidunt. Ut condimentum felis et
>       neque. Aliquam accumsan magna et sapien.</p>
>   </quote>
>   quote > p { display: block; margin: 1em; }

What's the display:block for? Also, margin should be applied to <quote>.

>> I was under the impression that HTML must be presentable with the 
>> default stylesheet. The only solution that comes to my mind is to 
>> introduce new CSS pseudo-classes, e.g. :block-level and :inline.
> Hm, what would trigger those modes of pseudo classes?

The content, as defined in HTML 4.01: "[...] they may serve as either 
block-level or inline elements (but not both). They may contain one or 
more words within a paragraph or contain one or more block-level 
elements such as paragraphs, lists and tables."


Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 22:33:03 UTC