Re: Proposed Design Principles updated

David Hyatt wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2007, at 6:56 PM, Karl Dubost wrote:
>> Le 3 avr. 2007 à 16:26, Maciej Stachowiak a écrit :
>>> * Constraint: Data-metadata inconsistency
>>> Agents MUST NOT ignore message metadata without the consent of the user.
>>> (The cited example of warning about or refusing to render a jpeg with 
>>> a type of image/gif would violate Don't Break The Web and is unlikely 
>>> to be implemented.)
>> Another *real* example where browsers content sniffing is bad in 
>> usability. For example, I'm writing a blog post about HTML design. I 
>> want to show the source code of an HTML file. I then use an object 
>> element and configure the server to send the html file as *text/plain*
>> <object data="test.html">
>>    <p>Source code of a HTML document</p>
>> </object>
>> What I want to see is the source code, not the HTML.
> There are better ways to accomplish this anyway, since browsers are 
> capable of doing syntax-highlighted source.  Firefox supports viewsource 
> URLs for this purpose.  WebKit in the latest nightlies uses an attribute 
> that you can place on iframes in order to put the frame into "view 
> source mode."

Will you consider supporting the view-source protocol? It's a bit more 
flexible, as you can load it on the top level as well as into an iframe.

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 02:29:36 UTC