from January 2013 by subject

[Bug 10028] Adding informations about the bitrate of the video to the source element could allow user agent to select the right video in case the same format is available in different levels of quality.

[Bug 10053] how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10206] A single manifest file pre page will be problematic for web authoring programmers like myself, and Lib developers like jQuery. It will cause all types of problems with mash-ups of various providers of web apps on a single page. Can U please consider addin

[Bug 10263] Should there be functions available to add and remove resources to/from the cache using JavaScript?

[Bug 10438] math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role

[Bug 10444] ARIA section does not list elements that have no default role or role restrictions

[Bug 10448] Consider broadening the set of allowed roles for command elements

[Bug 10449] Consider allowing various command-like ARIA roles for h1-h6

[Bug 10451] Consider restricting the roles allowed for the label element

[Bug 10452] Consider documenting attributes that map to ARIA properties in a separate table

[Bug 10462] merge ARIA mapping tables and list

[Bug 10464] provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec

[Bug 10475] HTMLMediaElement.frameDropped

[Bug 10482] Specify how @usemap affects role (of <img> and <object>)

[Bug 10484] default roles for figcaption and caption: Make it simple to achieve accessibility

[Bug 10592] "h1 to h6 element that does have an hgroup ancestor" not listed in ARIA section

[Bug 10618] Use "no ARIA-defined role" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables

[Bug 10618] Use "not an ARIA-defined role" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables

[Bug 10618] Use "unmapped" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables

[Bug 10709] @title should be a required attribute for FRAME and IFRAME in HTML5

[Bug 10711] Playlist! We need it to <em>easy</em> define.

[Bug 10713] Drag and Drop: Add guidance for keyboard-only interaction

[Bug 10828] i18n comment 4 : at least by default, <br> should constitute a bidi paragraph break

[Bug 10873] Provide a method of explicitly setting a tooltip for an element

[Bug 10903] provide an introduction to wai-aria in the wai aria section of the spec

[Bug 10905] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role

[Bug 10912] <output> should not be barred from constraint validation

[Bug 10914] Allow multiple space separated values for the ARIA role attribute

[Bug 11004] Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range"

[Bug 11186] Why multiple is left out of URL/Telephone? Text/Search do not need multiple but URL and Telephone can really use the multiple attribute.

[Bug 11199] Need standard way to creating heading "streams"

[Bug 11211] Need a way to force a line wrap with the bidi semantics of LINE SEPARATOR when necessary.

[Bug 11221] Contradiction regarding isindex (the special form input field)

[Bug 11235] Support a rel attribute that restricts cookie transmission

[Bug 11342] TextMetrics should include distance from textBaseline to each of the baselines in the text

[Bug 11361] form support for URI templates

[Bug 11399] The ability to lock individual channels (i.e. prevent them from being updated by drawing functions) would allow for some interesting composition tricks, such as drawing directly to the alpha channel.

[Bug 11457] textarea/text need ability to remove focus

[Bug 11458] mechanism needed to control refresh url for ajax applications

[Bug 11517] Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects.

[Bug 11548] Suggestion for improved caching functionality in html5 specification

[Bug 11568] Add "dragexit" event to the drag-and-drop model

[Bug 11592] Browsers use customizable dictionaries to correct spelling and tend to mark some names as wrong, that it shouldn't. Maybe each website can inform the browser of words/names it expects to be used and add it (in the scope of that page) to the exceptions. If

[Bug 11739] I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 11794] We should handle the case of a bunch of required controls all being hidden at once — the author shouldn't have to also go in an remove the 'required' attribute on each one. Maybe make hidden="" bar things from constraint validation?

[Bug 11797] <richtext> </richtext> This will provide a default rich text widget which is scriptable and should also support the Rich Text Format (RTF) Default widget implementation should be a text area with richtext controls above it. This will enable browsers to pr

[Bug 11892] explicitly state that ARIA states and properties are formal/normative HTML attributes

[Bug 11893] define lexical processing rules for ARIA attributes

[Bug 11895] Make Downloads more reliable by specifying checksums

[Bug 11930] It's very common for many application to require access to the number of video frames, as well as to have the ability to seek to a given frame. Think of a video editor. There is no notion of a video frame here. We should add fields, like "currentFrame", a

[Bug 11937] Progress element should be indeterminate if the value attribute isn't a valid float

[Bug 11962] Add HTML tag support for generation of PDF documents or Post Scripts

[Bug 11984] Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 12017] Keeping IMG aspect ratio

[Bug 12154] b and strong are font-weight: bolder in implementations, not font-weight: bold

[Bug 12228] All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.

[Bug 12271] <input list=""> needs an event triggered on selection of suggestion

[Bug 12311] new feature - client side templates

[Bug 12318] feature request: a more semantic tag for non-intl-measures?

[Bug 12348] <!DOCTYPE html>

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12493] Allow meter to be childrens of tr

[Bug 12494] Add a scale attribute to the meter element

[Bug 12531] Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 12543] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12546] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires autoplay attribute for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12569] "Resource" Package Support

[Bug 12586] Suggest using Typed Array for ImageData pixels. Add a new 'buffer' attribute that references ArrayBuffer of the pixel data. Convert 'data' (CanvasPixelArray) to Uint8Array view of 'buffer'.

[Bug 12777] New HTML5 'context' meta tag [suggestion]

[Bug 12801] Customized error message when i have required errors

[Bug 12828] Client-side Master pages wanted eagerly

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12933] Other tags should be allowed inside an img tag

[Bug 12986] Last Call comments to HTML5

[Bug 12990] The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 12999] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 13067] Password hashing

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set only single component for each pixel

[Bug 13154] WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 13277] canvas '2d' context needs a getter for current point in path

[Bug 13333] audio, video (and source) elements require param children or equivalent

[Bug 13343] Option to have type definition:

[Bug 13344] Attributes to tags for Dynamic Update:

[Bug 13350] ◄ Back Next ►

[Bug 13390] Readonly attribute on input.{color|range|checkbox|radio}

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13428] Remove Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images

[Bug 13429] Section 7.5 contenteditable and designMode must make navigation consistent platform conventions

[Bug 13434] Media element section does not state that tracks are to be synchronized with video

[Bug 13435] Editorial changes to The Video element (3 of 5)

[Bug 13442] Clarify cases that should NOT be "non-interactive presentation user agents"

[Bug 13449] Don't allow blank alt text on area elements

[Bug 13451] Don't disallow image map on object

[Bug 13460] Show more use cases for details/summary elements

[Bug 13508] Fully support tri-state and indeterminate controls

[Bug 13513] Caution against textarea with wrap=hard

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13524] relatedTarget shouldn't be null for dragleave event(as mouseout)

[Bug 13527] Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 13541] Incomplete accessibility API exposure rules for svg element

[Bug 13544] Video: <track> element should allow support of more than one format without content sniffing

[Bug 13546] <video> make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13548] size, width and height attributes on input should be conforming but obsolete

[Bug 13549] 4.10.18 associating form elements with forms that do not contain them can cause navigation problems for AT and keyboard users

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitization algorithm"

[Bug 13552] confusing, seemingly contradictory text in 4.10.7

[Bug 13553] 4.10.6 confusing, seemlingly contradictory text

[Bug 13566] use of input type image to send coordinates should be phased out

[Bug 13571] user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13572] 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13573] Moving the caret with the keyboard

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13575] Retrieving keybindings in automation-friendly format

[Bug 13576] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 13582] HTML5 suggestion: Elements of HTML section: Scripting and Document Metadata subsections

[Bug 13608] Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13619] Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13624] <video> The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13638] Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13639] CSS2 System Colors Should Be Recognized

[Bug 13655] Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13657] exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13666] Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13693] CSS WG HTML5 Last Call Comments

[Bug 13719] remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 13720] remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme ([JSURL])

[Bug 13769] WF3: Add trim="" attribute to <input type=text/search> that strips leading and trailing whitespace from the value

[Bug 13787] Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 13800] Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 14104] <track> Live captioning

[Bug 14107] Non-conformance of the summary attribute for the table element makes WCAG 1.0 compliance impossible

[Bug 14114] HTML+RDFa should extend flow content to include link and meta elements

[Bug 14194] Request: specification for script preloading

[Bug 14363] Update the registration mechanisms

[Bug 14364] appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically

[Bug 14417] · <a href= "" accesskey= "8" title= "Read our blog, discover the resource center, and find job opportunities." > About </a> · <a href= ";campaign_id=402047449

[Bug 14430] Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14470] Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 14540] what about if the <body> IS an article?

[Bug 14579] Add ellipse support to canvas

[Bug 14697] Harmonize roles with ARIA

[Bug 14705] appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14709] user agent lang tag handling is insufficiently specified

[Bug 14801] Unit of Measure (UOM) support; If HTML can make a tag with well know units of measure, like miles, pounds, grams, etc as first class attribute types. For example, if there a tag like <uom type="pounds">100</uom> where we want to show "100 lbs" on screen.

[Bug 14870] autosubmit attribute for form elements

[Bug 14871] Should there be a feature detect if a shader fails to load

[Bug 14906] consider to add event "dragActivate" to the spec

[Bug 14970] <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information)

[Bug 15041] Clarify dimensions of image returned by Canvas toDataURL

[Bug 15054] New Feature Suggestion: This is a completely new and unheard problem. Today I was developing a new page with a music player on it. However, when you click on a link and another page loads, the player resets and starts the song all over again. Is it possib

[Bug 15100] Right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be

[Bug 15140] The video element's poster attribute requires clarification in relation to precedence

[Bug 15213] Drag-and-drop processing model

[Bug 15276] Parent div has less height value than child divs

[Bug 15281] Implement possibitity to set file names for files which generated in client side

[Bug 15287] Use zip archive files as sprite container

[Bug 15318] Define media.preservePitch attribute

[Bug 15366] Expose history traversal direction

[Bug 15401] metadata in image files

[Bug 15450] needed method to set "current state" of a form as the "default state"

[Bug 15465] Please add a comment on THIS page, where the availability of the "web developer edition" is mentioned, that the "web developer edition" is for "Web authors and others who are not User Agent implementors(spelling?)" which I would expect to be the majority

[Bug 15700] appcache: Prevent sensitive data from being cached

[Bug 15703] ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group

[Bug 15771] appcache: avoid out-of-sync situations or cache busting when using appcache with non-sticky load balancers

[Bug 15913] HTML+RDFa adds href, src, rev and rel attributes to all elements

[Bug 15936] HTML+RDFa promotes DTD-based validation

[Bug 16061] Required edit should be applicable to fieldset

[Bug 16160] dir=auto does not work for user-visible attribute values

[Bug 16166] i18n-ISSUE-138: Make lang and xml:lang synonyms in HTML5

[Bug 16442] Extreme length of single page spec causes long load time/unresponsive browser, decreases effectiveness of spec.

[Bug 16497] HTML should provide a tag called <index> so that the authors of the web pages can enclose words and phrases that they think should be indexed. This would help search engines and others who would like to index web pages. Even the web authors could use a

[Bug 16789] specify parsing of the template element

[Bug 16813] I am hoping to be able to use the imageInfo object from .getImageInfo as a normal image in draw steps, like a png. this would allow someone to greatly speed up the drawing of paths by allowing them to store and reuse a path they've allready created withou

[Bug 16816] menuitem click and menu show events do not indicate what element triggered these events

[Bug 16826] Clarify CSS Outline advice in 8.4.4 Element-level focus APIs

[Bug 16834] FileList in input.files (multiple attribute)

[Bug 16842] Spec img.x/y

[Bug 16871] Multiple Sources With Images

[Bug 16939] A way to create a graph would be nice. It might be implemented as a "graph" attribute on the table element or a <graph> element.

[Bug 16955] i18n-ISSUE-83: add note about why Gregorian only used

[Bug 16970] i18n-ISSUE-105: compatibility caseless matching

[Bug 17002] Specify a mechanism to determine which SourceBuffer an AudioTrack,VideoTrack, or TextTrack belong to.

[Bug 17006] <track> Setting track language & kind when the information is in a manifest

[Bug 17030] Lists should permit interleaved structuring

[Bug 17128] Suggestion for HTML5 feature: Templates I've noticed that a lot of websites use similar-looking elements that could be better implemented using "templates" - reusable components that are transcluded into Web pages and take arguments that affect the way th

[Bug 17174] Global href and src

[Bug 17199] Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release

[Bug 17220] Hi, Could you add a function like SDL_SetColorKey into the standard. To do pixel manipulation is trivial.

[Bug 17316] "include" support in html to enable modeled code

[Bug 17456] Regarding Section "The translate attribute": If I am writing prose of fiction, and I write a name I don't want the translation mechanism to translate, then I understand I would set the attribute to "no" on that particular word. But. When I write (for exam

[Bug 17479] define navigator.language

[Bug 17488] Define capture attribute

[Bug 17673] Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to support the ISO Base Media File Format

[Bug 17682] Clear Key: Document how keys and key IDs are associated

[Bug 17684] Wiki documentation of Pragma directive requirements are unworkable as currently written

[Bug 17689] tree element to display directory

[Bug 17693] editorial mode for HTML page

[Bug 17784] request: even/odd winding algorithm in addition to non-zero

[Bug 17787] <h[2-6]> in <hgroup> should be relatively styled, like <h1> is

[Bug 18015] The second table of event handlers should not apply to frameset

[Bug 18032] "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesnt cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words

[Bug 18111] Its great you introduced a new interface for the TextMetrics, however it would be useful to get a list of fonts that is available to use with .font property. Including web fonts and available system fonts. naming for such property could be availableFonts

[Bug 18117] Shouldn't there be a setClip() rather than a resetClip(). There is already a transform() and setTransform(). Shouldn't clip follow the same conventions?

[Bug 18154] Add 3rd parameter (options) to control the window position and size. (See

[Bug 18162] IDN email addresses should be converted to Punycode before validating them

[Bug 18176] Consider making the argument optional for start() and end(). Many tutorials omit the argument, and think it means start of first range for start() and end of last range for end(). Maybe we should just make the API do what people expect.

[Bug 18187] Need to define processing model for style and link

[Bug 18210] Why is this an empty element with attributes label and icon? These two attributes should get deleted and content should be allowed that can be styled.

[Bug 18220] drawImage should accept SVGImageElement

[Bug 18227] The methods here don't say how to handle Infinity and NaN arguments. Infinity should probably just be applied (though maybe not for rotate()...) but NaN in particular needs to be dealt with, either by defining what happens with a matrix with NaN values or

[Bug 18245] Conveying state of an Active tab in tabbed panels to Assistive Technologies like screen readers

[Bug 18258] Image inputs with no image should fall back to non-replaced elements, just like normal images

[Bug 18279] Specification should be clearer about when the downloading of the application cache starts. "These events are delayed until after the load event has fired." is a bit misleading. The chrome developer team interprets it as: Start downloading all resources f

[Bug 18290] Consider making `null` for reflecting IDL attributes remove the content attribute

[Bug 18294] When setting designMode to 'on', the selection should be moved to an empty selection at the start of body (or something like that). If there isn't a body yet, wait until there is. Don't do this for contenteditable.

[Bug 18300] i18n-ISSUE-110: Contact information for meta extensions registry

[Bug 18384] Add an adaptive image mechanism

[Bug 18385] Programmatic association of a page element to a 'description' text in a different uri

[Bug 18386] Ad-Insertion support

[Bug 18400] Define and document timestamp heuristics

[Bug 18438] The Table summary attribute

[Bug 18439] Using directional cues (cue being an hour hand of a clock) to set focus on a page

[Bug 18450] Consider adding a screen capture example

[Bug 18490] make any element with an explicit lang or dir attribute bidi-isolated by default

[Bug 18531] Consider renaming addKey method

[Bug 18549] Add era attribute to time element

[Bug 18592] How much is "enough data to ensure uninterrupted playback"

[Bug 18615] Define how SourceBuffer.buffered maps to HTMLMediaElement.buffered

[Bug 18646] I18N-ISSUE-92: Provide support for IANA time zone IDs

[Bug 18680] Also use defined character sets for A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 (like with whitespace characters)

[Bug 18790] Describing cell for an header cell in a data table

[Bug 18791] Reducing data table size based on the row grouping, column grouping combined with the table header cell structure

[Bug 18865] <track> specify what happens with cues whose start/end times are outside the video timeline

[Bug 18929] MediaStream as source for media elements

[Bug 18932] Make Opus audio codec mandatory for <audio>

[Bug 18962] Allow appending with XHR

[Bug 18971] TextTrack should have an id attribute

[Bug 18979] provide way to guarantee order of execution for async scripts

[Bug 19020] <audio> and <video> do not have sufficient support for synchronized accessibility content

[Bug 19027] Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions

[Bug 19063] Validated local resource cache

[Bug 19068] Add rel="edit" to list of defined types

[Bug 19069] <output> should not be barred from constraint validation

[Bug 19070] Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 19071] Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 19072] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 19073] WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 19074] remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 19076] Add new attributes to <meta> element

[Bug 19207] i18n-ISSUE-194: Multiple sequential rt elements

[Bug 19208] Keymessage event not needed when Key System already has Key

[Bug 19251] i18n-ISSUE-196: Mono-ruby vs group ruby examples

[Bug 19252] i18n-ISSUE-197: Number of multiple rt elements

[Bug 19253] i18n-ISSUE-198: rt and rp elements

[Bug 19254] i18n-ISSUE-199: Examples of ruby rendered

[Bug 19255] i18n-ISSUE-200: Position of ruby

[Bug 19591] Making the main content element a sectioning element

[Bug 19641] example "This canvas element has a couple of checkboxes" don`t work.

[Bug 19676] timestampOffset accuracy

[Bug 19728] "Additional semantics" for the input element's title attribute are not explained

[Bug 19736] Paint Source reference is no longer valid

[Bug 19751] Constraint Validation - Add a means of detecting invalid form submissions

[Bug 19752] Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19773] Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19859] Point to RFC 6694

[Bug 19887] add a "script" or "writing-system" attribute, in addition to "lang"

[Bug 19888] select the default value of "dir" according to "lang"

[Bug 19895] mods for main stylesheet speccing

[Bug 19899] Support for Break characters should be reconsidered for Textarea

[Bug 19905] HTML5 Canvas Gradient - new idea, "new Canvas"...

[Bug 19952] HTML5 Digit Shape Requirement

[Bug 19967] definition of body element incorrect

[Bug 19999] resolve normative MIMESNIFF reference to a "Living Standard"

[Bug 20063] Unclear whether a <track> element's load event should fired if appended to a <video> with no "src" attribute

[Bug 20078] Remove <canvas> element and replace to image URI with dynamic rendering

[Bug 20082] Change Microdata specification track to W3C Note

[Bug 20089] Meaning of raw UTF-16LE/BE

[Bug 20098] submitting forms with application/x-www-form-urlencoded vs charset

[Bug 20167] Invalid [FULLSCREEN] reference

[Bug 20172] “Art direction” use case not well supported

[Bug 20173] No way to determine which source is being displayed

[Bug 20175] Lacks means to sensibly manipulate sources

[Bug 20176] Syntax only supports 'mobile first'

[Bug 20177] Spaces in candidates

[Bug 20224] Consider defining abbr="" for <td> elements

[Bug 20239] Context Menu API for browsers (4 canvas-app)

[Bug 20253] Publish Media Source Extensions FPWD

[Bug 20305] Merge branch 'feature/whatwg_validator' introduces non conforming advice

[Bug 20306] [proposal] new "zone" tag (canvas and div hybrid)

[Bug 20309] Add main element to HTML 5.1

[Bug 20335] Replace canPlayType() with static bool isTypeSupported() on MediaKeys

[Bug 20336] Revert addition of keySystem attribute to HTMLSourceElement

[Bug 20337] Make MediaKeys attachment a method instead of an attribute

[Bug 20401] non conforming use of title attribute in example code

[Bug 20402] use of title attribute in example is incorrect

[Bug 20403] spec states plural conditions when only 1 condition is conforming

[Bug 20404] more non conforming uses of title attribute in example code

[Bug 20405] plural 'conditions' used when only one condition exists

[Bug 20414] HTML5.0 is not feature complete as it lacks a completely conforming longdesc attribute

[Bug 20420] Clarify, with ARIA language, if role of <main> can be overridden.

[Bug 20434] append(ArrayBuffer) should allow asynchronous processing

[Bug 20448] Pseudo-cursor: implement

[Bug 20465] input controls styling should apply box-sizing even in standards mode

[Bug 20474] html5.1 and the main extension spec are at odds

[Bug 20550] New: Represents for Header element

[Bug 20550] Represents for Header element

[Bug 20552] New: Encrypted Block Encountered algorithm should not reference Initialization Data

[Bug 20554] New: HTMLImageElement's constructor should use optional arguments

[Bug 20557] minlength and tooShort

[Bug 20557] New: minlength and tooShort

[Bug 20583] Add download attribute to a and area element

[Bug 20583] New: Add download attribute to a and area element

[Bug 20584] [HTML5] <media> element proposal

[Bug 20584] New: [HTML5] <media> element proposal

[Bug 20606] New: their is an error

[Bug 20612] New: Canvas 2D Context needs to support fillRule attribute

[Bug 20622] New: SessionID may be assigned asynchronously in MediaKeys.createSession

[Bug 20622] SessionID may be assigned asynchronously in MediaKeys.createSession

[Bug 20641] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 20641] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 20665] New: Should define navigator.product for web compatibility

[Bug 20665] Should define navigator.product for web compatibility

[Bug 20677] New: Unable to detect whether a file is in cache or not

[Bug 20677] Unable to detect whether a file is in cache or not

[Bug 20688] New: Provide more details on when keyadded should be fired

[Bug 20689] New: Specify how CDM should indicate successful completion with no message for server

[Bug 20691] New: Should createSession()'s type parameter be required?

[Bug 20696] ARIA: Clarify if features with strong native semantics also may have presentation role.

[Bug 20696] New: ARIA: Clarify if features with strong native semantics also may have presentation role.

[Bug 20697] New: ARIA: Better wording in the heading of the second column

[Bug 20699] ARIA: Reshuffle and rename the sections "Strong Native Semantics" and "Implicit ARIA Semantics" section

[Bug 20699] New: ARIA: Reshuffle "Strong Native Semantics" section and "Implicit ARIA Semantics" section

[Bug 20702] New: Spec has started to fake the represenation of named character entities

[Bug 20707] New: Please add a Scope section per the qualification of the TAG's support for REC track publication

[Bug 20707] Please add a Scope section per the qualification of the TAG's support for REC track publication

[Bug 20708] Need Scrolling in <table>

[Bug 20708] New: Need Scrolling in <table>

[Bug 20714] New: timestampOffset in live case

[Bug 20714] timestampOffset in live case

[Bug 20715] Conflicting information about the open attribute in 4.11.1

[Bug 20715] New: Conflicting information about the open attribute in 4.11.1

[Bug 20717] Add the HTML5 DOCTYPE to the example

[Bug 20717] New: Add the HTML5 DOCTYPE to the example

[Bug 20718] Inconsequent syntax in 'EXAMPLE 7: Copying common properties'

[Bug 20718] New: Inconsequent syntax in 'EXAMPLE 7: Copying common properties'

[Bug 20719] Make the example more enlightening - explain more and perhaps add a second example

[Bug 20719] New: Make the example more enlightening - explain more and perhaps add a second example

[Bug 20725] dummy bug

[Bug 20730] New: provide and example where the main element clearly isn't at the scooby-do point

[Bug 20730] provide an example where the main element clearly isn't at the scooby-do point

[Bug 20730] provide and example where the main element clearly isn't at the scooby-do point

[Bug 20740] document outlining issues

[Bug 20740] New: document outlining issues

[Bug 20758] New: remove() should be an asynchronous operation

[Bug 20758] remove() should be an asynchronous operation

[Bug 20759] append with zero length data changes readyState but does not fire events

[Bug 20759] New: append with zero length data changes readyState but does not fire events

[Bug 20760] <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality

[Bug 20760] New: <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality

[Bug 20767] New: Restrict "Encoding declaration state" to only media types with provided charset parameter

[Bug 20769] New: Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 20789] "digest" (cryptographic hash) attribute for <script>

[Bug 20789] New: Signature (cryptographic hash) attribute for <script>

[Bug 20789] Signature (cryptographic hash) attribute for <script>

[Bug 20792] New: Merhaban incorrectly spelled

[Bug 20793] New: Is 'aside' related to the nearest ancestor sectioning content?

[Bug 20798] keySystem strings should be compared case-sensitively

[Bug 20798] New: keySystem strings should be compared case-sensitively

[Bug 20799] launchURI method proposal

[Bug 20799] New: launchURI method proposal

[Bug 20804] New: The description for the menu element is confusing

[Bug 5755] Need to expose media metadata properties

[Bug 5758] <audio> and <video> do not have sufficient support for synchronized accessibility content

[Bug 5772] [blocked on sandbox="" implementations] ID scoping for content aggregators (<iframe doc="">)

[Bug 5776] Authors need more control over handling of embedded resources

[Bug 5851] Consider adding .toArray() on NodeList and HTMLCollection

[Bug 6606] generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention

[Bug 7253] Media elements should provide a "next" property to gaplessly play back another media object after it has finished. This woud allow proper playback of gapless albums and an in-browser implementation of HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.

[Bug 7557] add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 7688] 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case

[Bug 7721] Drag and Drop is not keyboard accessible

[Bug 8278] why can't the frame number be requested? It's video, position is expressed in frames, not in seconds. a frames per second value could easily convert this to seconds

[Bug 8320] Validated local resource cache

[Bug 8360] Is there any equivelent for 'required' here? In case there are multiple options but no good default.

[Bug 8659] Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8735] Add rel="edit" to list of defined types

[Bug 8738] Role-based navigation

[Bug 8753] Undo for drag and drop

[Bug 8794] It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin

[Bug 8885] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 8895] Document policy for First Public Working Drafts

[Bug 9137] i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain

[Bug 9211] slotIndices (new IDL attribute): collection of all col-row intersections (slots) the cell spans

[Bug 9213] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 9215] Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9216] Provide a CAPTCHA example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9235] An additional useful transformation would be Perspective.

[Bug 9236] Add Path objects and intersects() function

[Bug 9236] Detecting the intersection of Path objects

[Bug 9280] Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Bug 9362] <embed> should fire 'load' event so that it's more useful for e.g. SVG

[Bug 9482] multi-manifest R needed. The URLs can be separated with a common(manifest ="content.manifest,structure.manifest,scripts.manifest"). Having more then one manifest cache file would allow separation control of cache. Many websites and apps can use multi-mani

[Bug 9695] Maybe there could be a function to specify a cache manifest in the API so that instead of the application asking for offline storage when the page loads, some JavaScript can be used to request storage when the user clicks on a "Use Offline Mode" link.

[Bug 9785] Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side)

[Bug 9799] Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2013 19:56:12 UTC