from February 2012 by subject

[Bug 10132] A CanvasPattern object should have a way to offset the repetition of an image.

[Bug 10132] A CanvasPattern object should have a way to offset the repitition of an image.

[Bug 10713] Drag and Drop: Add guidance for keyboard-only interaction

[Bug 10894] [pending URL spec] Reflecting an IDL attribute with a URL should try to canonicalize whatever value is set

[Bug 11124] consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points

[Bug 11342] TextMetrics should include distance from textBaseline to each of the baselines in the text

[Bug 11361] form support for URI templates

[Bug 11379] [pending URL spec] definition of hierarchical URL inconsistent with rfc 3986

[Bug 11397] Additional compositing operations such as 'max-alpha' and 'min-alpha' would make it much easier to make soft brush and eraser tools in painting applications.

[Bug 11399] The ability to lock individual channels (i.e. prevent them from being updated by drawing functions) would allow for some interesting composition tricks, such as drawing directly to the alpha channel.

[Bug 11482] WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period)

[Bug 11517] Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects.

[Bug 11557] Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default

[Bug 11587] [pending URL spec] window.location.hostname should remove brackets of IPv6 host

[Bug 11657] More text and font control

[Bug 11657] My worry is that this doesn't cover all the different kinds of textual transformations. Yes, it does cover obliqueness and weight, it does not cover letter spacing and other textual attributes that may be of some use to developers.

[Bug 11739] I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 12044] Feature request: Give developers an option to disable a context's image smoothing

[Bug 12140] Why is there no getTransform() method?

[Bug 12154] b and strong are font-weight: bolder in implementations, not font-weight: bold

[Bug 12393] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox

[Bug 12399] <video> add bytesReceived, downloadTime, and networkWaitTime metrics

[Bug 12417] HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12586] Suggest using Typed Array for ImageData pixels. Add a new 'buffer' attribute that references ArrayBuffer of the pixel data. Convert 'data' (CanvasPixelArray) to Uint8Array view of 'buffer'.

[Bug 12604] Provide accessibility API details for Change Proposal for ISSUE-131

[Bug 12696] Linkify all <code>s

[Bug 12725] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12834] Allow wrapping LEGEND (or new iLEGEND) in non-FIELDSET elements

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12986] Last Call comments to HTML5

[Bug 13067] Password hashing

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set only single component for each pixel

[Bug 13113] Parsing algorithm should not preclude Complex Ruby

[Bug 13138] DOM Core: set concept-document-media-type

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13226] Rename "Interfaces" index section to more precise "Element interfaces"

[Bug 13263] Issues that have no impact on conformance requirements can consume undue time and energy

[Bug 13357] <video>: Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13359] <track> A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13532] Clarify that UAs should make user-accessible all elements that take focus or react to user input, regardless of the input method

[Bug 13578] Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13657] exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13724] References to Internet-Drafts should be given as "Work in Progress" per RFC 2026.

[Bug 13903] leftover text about "sidebar hyperlinks"

[Bug 13904] "web+" URI scheme prefix

[Bug 14104] <track> Live captioning

[Bug 14107] Non-conformance of the summary attribute for the table element makes WCAG 1.0 compliance impossible

[Bug 14204] Drop all mentions of the CDATASection interface since it's been dropped from DOM Core

[Bug 14210] Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14284] Need HTML parser algorithm options

[Bug 14319] Title is 'HTML5 diffs from HTML4', but doc points to 'HTML Living Standard'

[Bug 14499] Need ability to reset Canvas clipping region without resetting all other Canvas state

[Bug 14552] <track>/WebVTT Add comment block support

[Bug 14569] URL object should not return DOMTokenList

[Bug 14579] Add ellipse support to canvas

[Bug 14678] <video> is in the-iframe-element.html

[Bug 14929] <track> use the same names in the DOM API as in WebVTT's cue settings

[Bug 14970] <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information)

[Bug 14993] The list of named character references at (8.5 Named character references) should also be available in an easy-to-parse format (e.g. plain text or json). This will allow developers to use it with

[Bug 15000] Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 15031] MediaController: Event handler 'ontimeupdate' has event type 'durationchange' instead of 'timeupdate'

[Bug 15140] The video element's poster attribute requires clarification in relation to precedence

[Bug 15193] draggable and dropzone regions require labels

[Bug 15215] (editorial) s/the application cache/the application cache group of the application cache/

[Bug 15217] Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the example provided for a transformation performed in reverse order produces a square in both reverse and normal order. What exactly is being demonstrated?

[Bug 15228] Be more explicit about headers in redirects.

[Bug 15236] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox (placeholder bug)

[Bug 15265] the note is somewhat misleading because the entries will be loaded from cache.

[Bug 15278] Adding Islamic calendar support in HTML5

[Bug 15291] Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)

[Bug 15318] Define media.preservePitch attribute

[Bug 15334] In step 13, "most appropriate application cache" could be nothing. For exmple, if the user "View Image" from a page that isn't cached (while the image with the same URL is in the appache of another cached page). Or perhaps you could just say UA may skip t

[Bug 15342] Remove classList/className IDL attributes, which are specified in DOM4.

[Bug 15345] (editorial) q is not defined in this sentence. (Suggestion only; s/for each worker/for each WorkerGlobalScope q/ , s/q's WorkerGlobalScope owner's/q's/ )

[Bug 15352] In the paragraph beginning "The following form", the word "only" should appear immediately before "if"; the word "considerd" should be spelled "considered".

[Bug 15358] Use the new callback syntax for Function and event handler attributes.

[Bug 15359] Make BOM trump HTTP

[Bug 15364] 6.6.4 => 5.4 => (editorial) s/the cache host the Document/the Document/

[Bug 15366] Expose history traversal direction

[Bug 15367] Grammatical issue: this is hard to for me to parse "Wait until any invocations of this algorithm started before this one whose timeout is equal to or less than this one's have completed."

[Bug 15378] The DOM Range standard at the target of this link appears to have been split into and

[Bug 15379] Hi, i was wondering why there is explicit hard limit of how setTimeout works. In spec it says: 6.3 Timers ... "4. If the currently running task is a task that was created by the setTimeout() method, and timeout is less than 4, then increase timeout to 4."

[Bug 15380] Define a User-Agent string format subset (liason witth HTTP people etc)

[Bug 15394] Web site speed security Web pages speed security 1 page "Login" click new page (web traffic (server (upload + download trafic), internet service, user), time) New technologies Browser (new code (low code (user name (web browser automation user name exampl

[Bug 15401] metadata in image files

[Bug 15413] <label> :checked state should reflect the input's one

[Bug 15428] :read-write should always apply to input elements if @readonly doesn't apply

[Bug 15429] Form submission: reveal submit button in submit event

[Bug 15439] access microphone with html5

[Bug 15446] Hi, I suggest to create a breadcrum tag. It would be very useful. I also suggest a title property for sectioning elements. Why? Well, maybe I have section that because of aesthetic reasons I don't want it to have a title, so I don't use header tags, or a

[Bug 15450] needed method to set "current state" of a form as the "default state"

[Bug 15451] M2 手工皮革

[Bug 15455] <details> elements without a child <summary> element should automatically get one (not just a text label)

[Bug 15464] Since this page is very large and since it is referred to by other pages and since there already exists a multi page format Please evaluate having this page "" be the multi page format version. Thank you for your

[Bug 15465] Please add a comment on THIS page, where the availability of the "web developer edition" is mentioned, that the "web developer edition" is for "Web authors and others who are not User Agent implementors(spelling?)" which I would expect to be the majority

[Bug 15485] One of the examples' HTML is formatted weirdly. It doesn't seem intentional.

[Bug 15488] it makes no sense to limit the placeholder attribute to values of the same direction as the <input>

[Bug 15489] IDN email addresses should be converted to Punycode before validating them

[Bug 15490] The e-mail validation regexp doesn't need to escape the ^ in the character class at its position (at least in JS).

[Bug 15491] <track> The statement/sentence "A text track cue is immutable." is no longer true (ref:

[Bug 15492] <track> Normalization for setter of TextTrackCue.text is not defined

[Bug 15512] Section: Links >> Link types; Requesting that the link type "publisher" be reinstated inside the HTML5 specification. The reason is because Google has adopted this tag as a means of identifying a web site with a corresponding Google+ business page. It is

[Bug 15520] In 1.2 I see example: <h1 itemscope> <data itemprop="product-id" value="9678AOU879">The Instigator 2000</data> </h1> Here, there is an item with a property whose value is a product ID. The ID is not human-friendly, so the product's name is used the human

[Bug 15526] Nitpick / clarification request: Navigation to fragment identifier doesn't specify value of non-optional "align to top flag" "When the user agent is required to scroll to the fragment identifier, it must change the scrolling position of the document using

[Bug 15548] What precisely is "the Document's browsing context"? Nothing seems to explicitly specify how Documents are associated with browsing contexts. Boris says defaultView isn't clearly defined or interoperable across browsers:

[Bug 15550] Gecko supports language=mocha, language=javascript1.{6,7,8}

[Bug 15556] broken "References" entry in URI scheme registration template

[Bug 15556] typo "References" instead of "Change Controller"

[Bug 15557] Clarify whether constraints on static text (12.1.3) applies here to text nodes inserted dynamiclly.

[Bug 15562] It's unfortunate that URLs in the manifest must have the same scheme as the manifest itself. This prohibits listing in a manifest that may be served over either http or https and prohibits p

[Bug 15570] Would appreciate an id for the paragraph starting "The Document interface supports named properties."

[Bug 15586] Could you please add the following "guideline" to the description of how to properly use alternative text as a way to naturally represent the page both with and without images. I think that it would clarify what you are trying to say in several of the exa

[Bug 15587] UA should not bring the the indicated part of the document to the user's attention if that part is not being rendered. (FWIW, the "scroll to the fragment identifier" algorithm doesn't handle this, as long as the #top situation, at the moment.)

[Bug 15588] Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way.

[Bug 15592] Feature Request: A javax.smartcardio alternative

[Bug 15596] option.value IDL attribute should return |text| IDL attribute instead of |textContent| when no value is set

[Bug 15597] Nothing seems to say when contentDocument or contentWindow are null. It should say they're null if there's no nested browsing context, or similar.

[Bug 15604] <track> TextTrackCue.getCueAsHTML() incorrectly marked as mutable

[Bug 15606] <track> clarification of TextTrackCue.getCueAsHTML() conversion rules

[Bug 15607] WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period)

[Bug 15627] Xmpp missing from whitelist of URI schemes

[Bug 15630] update ORIGIN reference

[Bug 15703] ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group

[Bug 15723] Need attribute to abbr to specify semantic type of abbreviation

[Bug 15761] Incorrect description of the name attribute for the form element

[Bug 15821] The text about the scoped attribute and @font-face makes no sense

[Bug 15822] <!doctype html> <html lang="ja" xmlns:og="" xmlns:mixi=""> <head> <!--base_skin_code:new,skin_code:wu_pf_cssedit,default_custom_code:--> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edg

[Bug 15822] New: <!doctype html> <html lang="ja" xmlns:og="" xmlns:mixi=""> <head> <!--base_skin_code:new,skin_code:wu_pf_cssedit,default_custom_code:--> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edg

[Bug 15823] New: agpur Manufacturing Division Village-Dahali, Mouda-Ramtek Road, Taluka-Mouda, Dist. Nagpur (M.S.)\u2014 441104, India. Phone : +91-7115 \u00bb 660224 Fax : +91-7115 - 660108, 281240 Mobile : 09960431474 E-mail : raju.pawnarkar@ril.c0m Raju Pawnarkar Execu

[Bug 15825] New: s/techncially/technically/

[Bug 15826] New: s/locale HTTP cache/local HTTP cache/

[Bug 15837] Need to provide hooks for CSP's sandbox directive

[Bug 15837] New: Need to provide hooks for CSP's sandbox directive

[Bug 15855] New: After the example given for the h1,h2,h3 etc. elements is this non-sensical sentence. Authors might prefer the former style for its terseness, or the latter style for its convenience in the face of heavy editing; which is besty is purely an issue of prefe

[Bug 15862] New: onerror: Step 2 should set col to 0 also.

[Bug 15868] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ko"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>2단 레이아웃</title> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <!-- HTML4 버전에서는 type속성이 있어야 했으나 HTML5에서는 생략가능 --> <s

[Bug 15874] New: The third paragraph under the canvas element write-up: -- When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas. This content may be plac

[Bug 15876] HTML5 equivalent of scrollIntoView();

[Bug 15876] New: HTML5 equivalent of scrollIntoView();

[Bug 15893] New: Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the scripts associated with a Document, the user agent must report the error at the URL of the resource containing the script (as established when the script was created), with the problematic pos

[Bug 15893] Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the scripts associated with a Document, the user agent must report the error at the URL of the resource containing the script (as established when the script was created), with the problematic pos

[Bug 15897] i noted the threats in this but also the amount of resources used

[Bug 15897] New: i noted the threats in this but also the amount of resources used

[Bug 15899] i dont know

[Bug 15899] New: i dont know

[Bug 15900] New: There is no use case for accept-charset to take multiple values. I think we should restrict it to a single value.

[Bug 15900] There is no use case for accept-charset to take multiple values. I think we should restrict it to a single value.

[Bug 15904] New: On: The pattern attribute (forms) The spec does not clarify what the reserved characters of the regular expressions are, and what the escape character is, nor whether there is any. The pattern attribute value example ("[0-9][A-Z]{3}") is a trivial one. Bu

[Bug 15904] pattern attribute does not clarify the reserved characters, nor the escape character, if any

[Bug 15905] New: I wanted to be able to grab the information that Output is using, do some logic to it in my javascript, and send it back. However, apparently the element only returns an empty string when called, so I can't utilize it that way.

[Bug 15906] ciao ragazzi qui é scritto tutto in inglese dove non capisco niente peró dato che si tratta del club figli di Rose sparsi nel mondo (io mi sendo di far parte ) allora sono convinto che mi capite quello che scrivo,ho visto che ci sta un bria michele peró n

[Bug 15906] New: ciao ragazzi qui é scritto tutto in inglese dove non capisco niente peró dato che si tratta del club figli di Rose sparsi nel mondo (io mi sendo di far parte ) allora sono convinto che mi capite quello che scrivo,ho visto che ci sta un bria michele peró n

[Bug 15908] (editorial/annoying) This should come after ECMA357 in alphabetical sorting.

[Bug 15908] New: (editorial/annoying) This should come after EDCM357 in alphabetical sorting.

[Bug 15913] HTML+RDFa adds href, src, rev and rel attributes to all elements

[Bug 15913] New: HTML+RDFa adds href, src, rev and rel attributes to all elements

[Bug 15914] New: due to confusion over other usages of 'tag', a usage example would be extremely helpful in understanding this more fully

[Bug 15918] New: What is the "i" of type=context i or type=hidden i? Case-insensitive? A variable passed through? An nth? No similar examples were found in

[Bug 15918] What is the "i" of type=context i or type=hidden i? Case-insensitive? A variable passed through? An nth? No similar examples were found in

[Bug 15919] New: Should test what happens if you do from within the unload algorithms (since it calls them back)

[Bug 15924] <html dir="rtl"><head> <meta name="keywords" content="Hacked ~ Mr.Zyad Liftawi~"> <meta name="description" content="Hacked ~ Mr.Zyad Liftawi~"> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /***************************************** * Visit our site at

[Bug 15924] New: <html dir="rtl"><head> <meta name="keywords" content="Hacked ~ Mr.Zyad Liftawi~"> <meta name="description" content="Hacked ~ Mr.Zyad Liftawi~"> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /***************************************** * Visit our site at

[Bug 15925] canvas/* need updating to reflect spec change

[Bug 15925] New: canvas/* need updating to reflect spec change

[Bug 15936] HTML+RDFa promotes DTD-based validation

[Bug 15936] New: HTML+RDFa promotes DTD-based validation

[Bug 15939] New: The potential to have and untitled section seems like a detriment to the point of outline. Likely a usability and accessibility hurdle. Should having a heading be required? Otherwise, whats the point of having an outline in the first place?

[Bug 15939] The potential to have and untitled section seems like a detriment to the point of outline. Likely a usability and accessibility hurdle. Should having a heading be required? Otherwise, whats the point of having an outline in the first place?

[Bug 15940] New: W3C websites look dreadful on my android phone. This does not inspire confidence in the material the organisation has to offer. There are numerous typos and other mistakes so it is frankly rather depressing. Never the less I shall attempt to continue read

[Bug 15940] W3C websites look dreadful on my android phone. This does not inspire confidence in the material the organisation has to offer. There are numerous typos and other mistakes so it is frankly rather depressing. Never the less I shall attempt to continue read

[Bug 15941] Missing table { text-decoration: initial; } for quirks mode

[Bug 15941] New: Missing table { text-decoration: initial; } for quirks mode

[Bug 15942] New: Based on my experience and from reading many questions on the Web, this API is seriously flawed. It treats cross-domain iframes the same as same-domain iframes, except that almost every operation on contentWindow is an error.

[Bug 15945] New: rfc 2781, section 4.3 specifies the default utf-16 as big endian, not little endian.

[Bug 15948] New: <area> should be classified as "interactive content"

[Bug 15949] New: I'd like to see "ldap" and "ldaps" added to the whiltelisted schemes list.

[Bug 15951] <track> The UA-defined label should not be exposed in the DOM API. DOM API should see the empty string instead.

[Bug 15951] New: The UA-defined label should not be exposed in the DOM API. DOM API should see the empty string instead.

[Bug 15953] New: Section title: "The placeholder attribute" "User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string and the control is not focused (e.g. by displaying it inside a blank unfo

[Bug 15953] Section title: "The placeholder attribute" "User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string and the control is not focused (e.g. by displaying it inside a blank unfo

[Bug 15961] New: “head” should come after “hn” elements

[Bug 15962] New: "Other node types (e.g. Attr) cannot occur as children of elements. If, despite this, they somehow do occur, this algorithm must throw an InvalidStateError exception." remove redundant sentence

[Bug 15965] New: add onreadystatechange attribute to index

[Bug 15972] New: On step 6, it says that the single U+002F SOLIDUS xharacter (/) me be present in void and foreign element. It says on to behave then, but I didn't found any specification on how to behave if it is found on other elements. Should it be ignored or generate

[Bug 15974] New: There are many users of HTML today who are not necessarily document authors. They are CMS users, forum posters, etc. I think it is odd that so many years later we are still using "a href" for links. "Anchor" and "hyper-reference" do not match the vocabula

[Bug 15974] There are many users of HTML today who are not necessarily document authors. They are CMS users, forum posters, etc. I think it is odd that so many years later we are still using "a href" for links. "Anchor" and "hyper-reference" do not match the vocabula

[Bug 15977] New: This is a very boring kind of report this does not take each & every thing into consideration HTML 4.0.1 was good infact was better way better..

[Bug 15977] This is a very boring kind of report this does not take each & every thing into consideration HTML 4.0.1 was good infact was better way better..

[Bug 15978] New: (editorial) s/For each name on the list/For each name on <var>list</var>/

[Bug 15980] New: Bütün engellilere iş imkanı sağlayabilmek için kurduğum alışveriş sitesin un satıcılarını sadece engelliler, müşterilerini ise herkes oluşturuyor.

[Bug 15981] New: just a test

[Bug 15983] New: <track> Is it intentional that <track kind=metadata> uses the "disabled" text track mode?

[Bug 15989] New: typo in first sentence, s/pizze/pizza/

[Bug 15990] New: Missing closing quote. [[ [...] content attribute's value to "no otherwise. ]]

[Bug 15991] New: A definition of "palpable" should be added. As it stands, one must infer the meaning of "palpable" through the list of elements.

[Bug 15992] New: My apologies for renaming "credentials flag" to "omit credentials flag", making it an actual flag, and reversing its meaning. Having said that, please align HTML with this change in CORS.

[Bug 15993] "When a Document is in quirks mode, vertical margins on HTML elements at the top or bottom of td or th elements are expected to be collapsed to zero." is wrong. The top margin is correct, but the *bottom* margin should only be collapsed for p elements. ht

[Bug 15993] New: "When a Document is in quirks mode, vertical margins on HTML elements at the top or bottom of td or th elements are expected to be collapsed to zero." is wrong. The top margin is correct, but the *bottom* margin should only be collapsed for p elements. ht

[Bug 15994] New: origin attribute

[Bug 15994] origin attribute

[Bug 15995] New: Had to add this ondragover="return false" after ondrop="dropHandler(event)" to make it work!

[Bug 15996] New: How do I solve these errors? # Error Line 2, Column 219: Attribute xmlns:b not allowed here. …' xmlns:expr=''> # Warning Line 2, Column 219: Attribute with the local name xmlns:b is not serial

[Bug 15997] New: the tests being linked (e.g. ) are 404

[Bug 16001] Clarify bidi aspects of <wbr>

[Bug 16001] New: Clarify bidi aspects of <wbr>

[Bug 16004] Headings and sections (example is incorrect?)

[Bug 16004] New: Headings and sections (example is incorrect?)

[Bug 16005] Media elements: I would suggest that Subtitle support be implemented for Audio Media elements for the hearing impaired users. It should also include an api that would allow custom presentation of the subtitles.

[Bug 16005] New: Media elements: I would suggest that Subtitle support be implemented for Audio Media elements for the hearing impaired users. It should also include an api that would allow custom presentation of the subtitles.

[Bug 16006] Is <table><tfoot><tr><td>Inner</td></tr></tfoot></table> valid HTML5 ?

[Bug 16006] New: Is the following valid then ? <table><tfoot><tr><td>Inner</td></tr></tfoot></table>

[Bug 16008] New: Type. First word of second sentence should be plural. (Element -> Elements)

[Bug 16015] New: Options +FollowSymLinks Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f RewriteRule (.*) $1\.php [L]

[Bug 16018] Exclude disabled form controls from specially focusable elements.

[Bug 16018] New: Exclude disabled form controls from specially focusable elements.

[Bug 16019] New: Nothing seems to define what the "any... args" parameters do.

[Bug 16021] New: bkit di aq mka pag play nang you tube

[Bug 16022] New: Actually the required tag of controls are rendered as "required" attribute of html 5 elements. Then the validation will be controlled by your browser. Unfortunately "validation group" or something like that has not been introduced in html 5 (yet, and as f

[Bug 16026] New: This is general feedback on the overall standard, as far as I understand it. This is feedback from an average web user who knows a decent amount of fundamental HTML (primarily self-taught) who regularly uses it to varying degrees on various forums, blogs

[Bug 16027] [AAPI]: add id's to each details element

[Bug 16027] New: [AAPI]: add id's to each details element

[Bug 16028] New: Perhaps this section should include the default value for accept-charset?

[Bug 16029] New: Please provide example for required attribute with radiobutton group. Since that differs from other implementations.

[Bug 16029] Please provide example for required attribute with radiobutton group. Since that differs from other implementations.

[Bug 16030] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 16031] New: vjbvb ,vcxf ,

[Bug 16031] vjbvb ,vcxf ,

[Bug 16039] New: Stop using AllowAny

[Bug 16040] New: Use IDL union types where appropriate

[Bug 16040] Use IDL union types where appropriate

[Bug 16051] New: Triggering contextual error message for inputs

[Bug 16053] New: tmhari maa ki choot

[Bug 16057] <track> Make TextTrack.cues return *all* cues.

[Bug 16057] New: <track> Make TextTrack.cues return *all* cues.

[Bug 16058] New: <track> s/start times/end times/. Consider a cue that has start time before the earliest possible position, but end time after it, and current time is the same as earliest possible position. Then the cue would be active but would not be in the collection.

[Bug 16060] New: Missing quirk for the font element: "The font element, in quirks mode, is expected to set the color of any text decoration set by the 'text-decoration' property that spans the text of the element to the used value of the element's 'color' property."

[Bug 16061] New: Required edit should be applicable to fieldset

[Bug 16061] Required edit should be applicable to fieldset

[Bug 16063] New: Dispatch should link to DOM4 definition of dispatch:

[Bug 16065] Consistent attribute value quoting in examples. The examples throughout the HTML5 specification have an inconsistent use of attribute value quoting, this can be observed in particular in the Forms section (4.10). Where one attribute value is surrounded by

[Bug 16065] New: Consistent attribute value quoting in examples. The examples throughout the HTML5 specification have an inconsistent use of attribute value quoting, this can be observed in particular in the Forms section (4.10). Where one attribute value is surrounded by

[Bug 16066] New: Use of single solidus character on void elements. Almost all void elements used in the examples throughout the HTML5 specification have no closing single solidus character. In the Start tags section ( it states that its use has no effect on void e

[Bug 16066] Use of single solidus character on void elements. Almost all void elements used in the examples throughout the HTML5 specification have no closing single solidus character. In the Start tags section ( it states that its use has no effect on void e

[Bug 16067] Consistent use of 'no value' attributes. The 'no value' attributes like "selected", "checked" and "required" are being used inconsistently in the examples throughout the HTML5 specifications. Where "required" is always used with no value ('required' vs 'r

[Bug 16067] New: Consistent use of 'no value' attributes. The 'no value' attributes like "selected", "checked" and "required" are being used inconsistently in the examples throughout the HTML5 specifications. Where "required" is always used with no value ('required' vs 'r

[Bug 16068] New: control element of web form

[Bug 16071] body{margin:0;font-family: Tahoma;background:#dbdbdb} .Back-RM{width:1000;background:#ffffff} A {TEXT-DECORATION: none; } #Header-RM{width:1000;background:url('header.jpg') no-repeat top;height:385;vertical-align:top;direction:rtl;} #Header-RM a{color:#1c

[Bug 16071] New: body{margin:0;font-family: Tahoma;background:#dbdbdb} .Back-RM{width:1000;background:#ffffff} A {TEXT-DECORATION: none; } #Header-RM{width:1000;background:url('header.jpg') no-repeat top;height:385;vertical-align:top;direction:rtl;} #Header-RM a{color:#1c

[Bug 16073] New: The link goes to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Snapshot 2010 instead of Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1

[Bug 16076] <track> This constructor is horrible. Too many arguments. Also, settings as a string? Ugh. Can we make it have one argument that takes an object with id, startTime, endTime, text, pauseOnExit and all the settings as properties instead? e.g. new TextTrackC

[Bug 16076] New: <track> This constructor is horrible. Too many arguments. Also, settings as a string? Ugh. Can we make it have one argument that takes an object with id, startTime, endTime, text, pauseOnExit and all the settings as properties instead? e.g. new TextTrackC

[Bug 16078] New: 6.2.7 The WindowProxy object

[Bug 16081] New: testando select comment on selectable area

[Bug 16083] New: Step 6 says to "skip the subsequent steps", but doesn't say how many to skip. Is it the same as "abort these steps"?

[Bug 16084] New: broken link for 5. Microdata

[Bug 16086] New: Grammar error "Guidance on how provide such information" is missing "to"

[Bug 16087] New: form correctly doesn't have a legacycaller, but the domintro suggests it does

[Bug 16091] New: The focus event is synchronous in browsers other than IE. Test-case: Apparently blur and various other events too. The spec seems to require that they're async.

[Bug 16091] The focus event is synchronous in browsers other than IE. Test-case: Apparently blur and various other events too. The spec seems to require that they're async.

[Bug 16093] New: "created" and "dispatched" should be hyperlinks here.

[Bug 16099] New: "gopher" should be whilelisted

[Bug 16100] New: This section doesn't mention abuse-prevention measures

[Bug 16102] New: Use an array for the names member rather than DOMStringList. DOMStringList is silly.

[Bug 16102] Use an array for the names member rather than DOMStringList. DOMStringList is silly.

[Bug 16106] Clarify paragraph about character references in tokenization.html

[Bug 16106] New: Clarify paragraph about character references in tokenization.html

[Bug 16110] frrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrrr\rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr

[Bug 16110] New: frrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrrr\rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr

[Bug 16124] New: Only recommending this be limited to quirks mode is not strict enough. This behaviour breaks page JS code in a way that makes it virtually impossible to find out why if(!objectname) is not resolving the way it should. This feature should be changed to "ma

[Bug 16128] New: a ddddd fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

[Bug 16129] New: hello,Im looking for missing person.Name,Ann Narle Poon.Location last,Lexington S.C, Age 44.Last career in Del Mar.In the medical records field

[Bug 16131] New: good its very good for us

[Bug 16135] New: <track> "When an object is returned, the same object must be returned each time." - allow it to be either cached or GCed, just like with e.g. getElementsByTagName

[Bug 16136] New: Requiring a "plugin" for <embed> is not compatible with <embed> pointing to SVG

[Bug 16136] Requiring a "plugin" for <embed> is not compatible with <embed> pointing to SVG

[Bug 16138] New: The ”form” attribute is listed in the index for ”meter” and ”progress” elements, but it does not appear in the definitions of these elements.

[Bug 16142] New: Spec delivery semantics for MutationObservers

[Bug 16142] Spec delivery semantics for MutationObservers

[Bug 16147] New: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="ja"> <head> <!--meta charset="utf-8"--> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <!--meta http-equiv="default-style" content="common/css/xxxxxx.css"--> <title>ダイナースクラブカード|日本で最初のクレジットカード</title> <meta

[Bug 16148] document . designMode [ = value ]

[Bug 16148] New: document . designMode [ = value ]

[Bug 16155] New: Specify behavior for embedded content elements that have no browsing context

[Bug 16158] New: should be spelled 'pizza' instead of 'pizze'

[Bug 16159] "this is *the* parse error" should read "this is *a* parse error"

[Bug 16159] New: "this is *the* parse error" should read "this is *a* parse error"

[Bug 16160] New: dir=auto does not work for user-visible attribute values

[Bug 16162] <!-- saved from url=(0186) --> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-

[Bug 16162] New: <!-- saved from url=(0186) --> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-

[Bug 16163] New: We need some way to know where we are in the history; EG the current "position" so that we know the maximum delta.

[Bug 16164] New: Section 11 is blank

[Bug 16165] New: i18n-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state

[Bug 16166] New: i18n-ISSUE-138: Make lang and xml:lang synonyms in HTML5

[Bug 16167] New: i18n-ISSUE-141: Mistake in entity assignments

[Bug 16168] New: I get validation errors when using a header element inside a footer. Has this changed in the current spec, but not been updated in the validators?

[Bug 16169] New: Define the CSSElementMap

[Bug 6689] Removing remaining mention of Element.setAttributeNode()

[Bug 7798] More data from TextMetrics API

[Bug 8396] clip() is fine, but why isn't there something like a stencil buffer? It's similar to clip except you turn on the stencil then render an image and only where you rendered the image are pixels rendered to the canvas.

[Bug 9235] An additional useful transformation would be Perspective.

[Bug 9236] Add Path objects and intersects() function

[Bug 9301] Support dashed lines in canvas

[Bug 9307] I think the darker composite operation should be reintroduced. for example.

[Bug 9566] Please support line-types/styles [like dotted etc] !!!

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 23:32:12 UTC