[media] summary and discussion of proposed media a11y framework by WHATWG

Hi all,

I've just written a blog post that summarizes the proposed media a11y
framework by the WHATWG, see

I have also included a list of the concerns that I have already voiced on
the WHATWG mailing list about some of these specification and made proposals
on how to improve them. They are very long emails, so I don't expect there
to be immediate action. But I am definitely working towards getting these
specifications in shape such that implementations in browsers can occur.

I would be most interested in discussions about the specifications within
this group. Many of our requirements at
http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Media_Accessibility_Requirements that
relate to alternative text documents can be met with the proposed framework.
We can both discuss the appropriateness of these and then also move on to
discussing how to solve those that haven't been addressed yet. I have a
small section at the end of my blog post that discusses this, too.

As a first step, I could propose to give an overview of the WHATWG
specifications at the next phone conference and try to address questions
that people have that have read through my blog post (or better still: the
specifications themselves).


Received on Saturday, 7 August 2010 03:40:10 UTC