Re: Review of Use-Case Document

Fabien and Danny,

	Note that my review of the use-case document referred to this version of the use-case document:


In particular, as DanC noted, version 1.9. 

Now, since Fabien also has this version:


	There's going to be a problem until we have a *single* authoritative version. Fabien and Danny - did you both get cvs/WebDAV or some other way to alter version[1]? If not, e-mail us with the current situation and we'll keep working on fixing it. If you do have access to the w3 version[1], Fabien should remove the prior version[2] from the Web - I went over both documents and the w3 version[1] is the most up to date. Each editor should have access to the document they are editing, and it is their duty to respond to comments to the draft, by either incorporating changes or sending out via e-mail explaining why changes have not been incorporated. As this process iterates, eventually consensus on the document should emerge - and remember, we need consensus on this document in September! 

So, as soon as you have editing access to [1], update the document. The WG needs access to the latest draft of each Editor's Draft at least a day before our telecon.  

 v 1.9 2006/08/23 13:28:11

>>    Here's my current review of the Use-Case document.
> Which one? Which version?
> An exemplary review also cites the document you're reviewing by
> URI, and if it matters, revision date.
> I presume you mean
>  v 1.9 2006/08/23 13:28:11


Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Friday, 25 August 2006 20:26:42 UTC