RE: Interesting and/or useful linked data - what do you know of?

From: Cory Casanave [] 
Sent: 18 November 2011 19:11
Subject: Interesting and/or useful linked data - what do you know of?

> Many of the GLD demos I have seen are of such a closed data source that it is not easy to see the leverage GLD is >providing - it looks like any web application.  Data is more valuable when rubbed together, to show this effectively >we need the data.  One of my interests is semantic federation, use cases for where this would be of benefit are also >interesting.  Of course other data or use cases may be suggested - this is a mostly open enquiry.

I think ultimately applications built from linked data will 'look like any web application' - the clever stuff is going on behind the scenes. 

So there are a few cool examples:

Ordnance Survey linked data:

This contains URIs for every postcode and administrative region in GB, e.g.:

The Environment Agency also has some linked data for water sampling points...


links are provided from this to the Ordnance Survey linked data so you can, for example, find bathing waters in a particular region. Using the linked data API we can query for bathing water sample points in the area identified by GSSCode (an ID used cross government for regions) E07000188:

Companies House in the UK have linked data for businesses. So there is now a URI to identify every business in the UK:

Hopefully soon this will link up to the OS postcode linked data. 

Other UK government linked data can be founded here:

In my spare time I experimented with creating hyperlocal sites based on a number of linked data sources, and combining them for two regions near where I live. These are my home town Southampton, and the neighbouring county Hampshire. The data aggregates are stored in Kasabi:

These datasets combine information about schools, doctors, hospitals, bus stops, crimes and much more. At the moment the postcode provides the glue.


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