RE: Documenting EPUB feature requests

Annotations are very important for accessibility. Hypothesis is not accessible, but if it were, this could be a great way for Disabled Student Service Offices (DSO) to provided the extended descriptions in EPUB  documents and to we content offered by universities and schools.
From: Dave Cramer <> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 12:10 PM
To: Harri Heikkilä <>
Cc: Ruth Tait <>; W3C EPUB3 Community Group <>
Subject: Re: Documenting EPUB feature requests
On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 3:44 AM Harri Heikkilä < <> > wrote:
[Brainstorming, ideas]:
1) Annotation & note creating and sharing systems (for example shared highlightnings in textbooks)
I've seen demos of reading systems where annotations can be shared among a defined group within a particular reading system. Are you hoping to share annotations across different reading systems? 
2) Glossaries (via popups)
There is a spec, but I'm not aware of any implementations.
3) Cross reference systems (with previews)
Are you talking about linking to other EPUBs? This gets really complicated. How would you construct a URL to something that might be available from a hundred different sources, might cost money, and might not be online?
4) Easy support for more typographic finesses (like running headers, block quotes, pull quotes etc.)
blockquote is a standard HTML element. We do pull quotes all the time with standard HTML and CSS. EPUB tried to specify a mechanism for running heads, but it received little interest or adoption, and so it was removed. 
5) Advanced navigation (see for example how Kindle does it)
Could you go into more detail about this?
6) Support of social reading functions
What sort of functions are you thinking of? 
7) Creating a working group with companies offering professional publishing tools to support these kind of features in creating / exporting EPUB (Adobe, Quark, Affinity...)
We would be delighted if Adobe or Quark participated in the CG. But I think the best thing of all would be EPUB export from Microsoft Word. 

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2019 02:25:49 UTC