Re: [profgui] Section updated, another added

Thanks, Karen!
I couldn't reflect the new section in the ToC either, but I guess that for this working document it's fine.

Btw could anyone review my updates for section 1 at
so that we can get them out of the way for the google doc? I hate keeping the suggestions for change for long there, especially if some are tempted to add new suggestions that are not in my PR ;-)



On 12/02/2019 03:03, Karen Coyle wrote:
> In the Google Doc [1] I updated the bullet point regarding ODRL to read:
> * profiles with defined inheritance relationships. An example of this is
> the ODRL profile in which child profiles coded as such are required to
> access the parent resource and inherit all terms and values. Specific
> rules indicate what actions to take in the case of conflicts between
> elements in the parent and child profiles.
> I added a section at the end of the document on Validation, which we
> talked about. I'm not saying that's where it belongs, I just wanted to
> get it started. I also added a table of contents but for some reason it
> doesn't pick up the validation section I added - so just scroll to the end.
> kc
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 15:22:21 UTC