Re: UCR progress

Hi, Rob. There seem to be requirements that were there before but no
longer are, for example the requirements on use case 41. I also see
other use cases where there are no requirements. Do you want a list, or
can you find them from this?


On 8/14/17 5:15 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> Github seems to be pushing the updates:
> now has a better consolidated and cross-referenced set of requirements,
> along with other edits.  Requirements are referenced back to the source
> use cases in most cases, but use cases arent yet forward referenced to
> requirements.
>   I'd say we are at about 70% of editorial work to have a first draft of
> requirements deduplicated as much as possible without further
> discussion, and cross referenced and formatted neatly.
> We will need to review these requirements of course to make sure nothing
> has been missed, and requirements are in fact adequately justified by
> the use cases. Feel free to review these and create PRs to
> forward-reference your UC to the requirements, send me a list or wait
> for the UCR editors to get around to this.
> Rob Atkinson

Karen Coyle
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Received on Monday, 14 August 2017 13:44:12 UTC