Re: dwbp-ISSUE-211: Should we be more explicit about the use of vocabularies? [Best practices document(s)]


This proposal is very reasonable to emphasize on "share". But again I'm afraid that as for the other suggestions following last F2F, Bernadette is throwing the baby with the bathwater. I.e. we can 'refer to' "share", that doesn't mean that "share" should replace what was there before. I'm really keep on keeping the "re-use" aspect.

This is my proposal:

Re-using vocabularies increases interoperability and reduces redundancies, encouraging re-use of the data.
Shared vocabularies capture a consensus
of the community about a specific domain.
The re-use of shared vocabularies to describe metadata helps the automatic processing
of data and metadata.
Shared vocabularies should be especially used to describe both structural
metadata as well as other types of metadata (descriptive,
provenance, quality and versioning).

Note I'm also changing the order of Bernadette's suggestion to keep it clear that re-using voc is good for data and (more specific aspects of) metadata.

Finally if we implement this, imo we don't really need to change the title of the BP, as per the other ISSUE:


On 11/10/15 11:20 PM, Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> dwbp-ISSUE-211: Should we be more explicit about the use of vocabularies? [Best practices document(s)]
> Raised by: Bernadette Farias Loscio
> On product: Best practices document(s)
> I propose to change the Why section to be more specific about the use of shared vocabularies. My proposal is below:
> "Shared vocabularies, i.e., vocabularies that capture a consensus
> of the community about a specific domain, helps to increase
> interoperability between datasets, encouraging reuse of the data.
> Shared vocabularies should be used to describe both structural
> metadata as well as other types of metadata (descriptive,
> provenance, quality and versioning). The use of shared
> vocabularies to describe metadata helps the automatic processing
> of data and metadata."

Received on Thursday, 12 November 2015 09:43:09 UTC