Re: Enrichment document


At first I agreed but then I have to say that I don't...  because "Big
Data" is over-used and somewhat amorphous it is becoming a term used by
everyone for much of what we might also narrowly define as "just Data."
ie, the distinction is increasingly academic.

Also, I think we did discuss in the past that unstructured text, image,
audio, and other multi-media types is also data on the web that is
published in open formats.

So really, I don't see the harm in the inclusion on the basis of those
objections because I hope that additional data types are not tangential to
our standards.

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

| From:      |
  |Annette Greiner <>                                                                                                               |
| To:        |
  |Phil Archer <>                                                                                                                        |
| Cc:        |
  |Public DWBP WG <>, Bernadette Farias Lóscio <>, Caroline Burle <>, Newton Calegari               |
  |<>, "" <>                                                                                      |
| Date:      |
  |06/23/2015 12:30 PM                                                                                                                               |
| Subject:   |
  |Re: Enrichment document                                                                                                                           |

Hm, I had never seen that enrichment document and didn't even realize it
was in development. It gives a nice review of machine learning techniques
with a focus on text analysis. Very interesting stuff, but I have a few
concerns. My primary concern is that it defines data enrichment much too
narrowly. Data enrichment is helpful for all kinds of data, not just "big
data" (a term I would encourage us to avoid, as it is overused and highly
ambiguous). It is useful in image data as well as text, and in structured
as well as unstructured data. I think we need to beware of putting out
content that is tangential to the subject of publishing data on the web.

Sent from a keyboard-challenged device

> On Jun 23, 2015, at 7:00 AM, Phil Archer <> wrote:
> I'm putting the DWBP doc through pubrules and, forgive me, I've just
noticed that it links to the enrichment document.
> For those unfamiliar with this, see
> The WG may well decide to publish this - it certainly deserves attention
and may well be published. However, we can't just include it as a separate
Note without going through the usual process followed by other documents in
the WG.
> For this week's publication I have therefore removed "... according to
the suggestions described in Data Enrichment Technical Note" from the BP
doc and the link to the enrichment doc.
> Let's put this on the agenda for a near future call.
> Phil.
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C Data Activity Lead
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2015 17:33:22 UTC