Ebola Open Data Jam

Today, a hundred volunteers met in NYC and devoted their Saturday to
helping identify Open Data sets about Ebola so that other hackers, data
scientists, universities, researchers, and aid organizations around the
world can take advantage of their work. They didn't ask to be recognized or

Giving is its own reward...


I played a small role as a volunteer in helping to organize the event.  But
I couldn't participate since I am in Australia this week meeting with
government officials on Open Data.  But I am with them in spirit and
believe passionately that we all have skills and capabilities to contribute
and that together we can really make a difference.

My thanks to all those who gave their free time to help.  It matters!

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

Received on Saturday, 18 October 2014 21:52:06 UTC