Re: Agenda for Penultimate Call before TPAC!

Hi Caroline,
Thanks for this starting document for BP document structure. 

> Bernadette and I edited the TPAC Deliverable Goals. 
> We have also edited the Proposed Structure of the BP document [2]. We have only started discussing the Table of Contents, but it would be great if you may take a look and make comments.

I would suggest to add for each item different questions /issues that we might address to be sure that we capture all the requirements.
Find below a first attempt of what I mean.. 

 1- Data Publisher
         Metadata: What are the minimum metadata to describe a dataset?
            Licenses: How to identify licenses suitable to a dataset ?
            Data quality: How can publishers monitor qualities of their datasets? 
            Provenance: What type of provenance information to attach at metadata level ? Discuss the granularity of PROV data: either meta of fine-grained level.  
            What makes a good interoperable datasets ? 
      Data access: How to decide if to publish a dump versus API options (SPARQL, etc) ? What requirements to take into account ? (reliability, time to query dataset, etc.)
            Data formats: Advices for types of formats to publish dataset (at least 1/2 stars compliance ? )
            Data granularity: How to publish catalog versus otro type of data ? 
        Sensitive data (privacy) : How to identify them? Are they worth publishing? What are the security mechanisms? Licenses ? 
        Data identification: How could a publisher add identify related dataset for interconnection or reuse? 
        Persistence (data identification?): What rules to take into account when releasing a dataset: 
            URI ?
            Status of the dataset ?
            Disclaimer ? 
        Data versioning: How to make a describe a track the versions of dataset ? 

    2- Data Consumer
        Data usage : Models to annotate different applications of datasets (e.g., data visualizations, data summarization, data republishing, )





Received on Friday, 17 October 2014 13:02:12 UTC