Re: W3C Process


Thank you for sharing your concerns, the last couple of meetings I
looked at the clock and wondered where the time had gone :-)   Just a
few thoughts here, I'm wondering from a time management perspective:
   * put estimated time lengths for each discussion topic. (do we do
this?  I can't remember)
   * have a volunteer meeting time keeper who reminds us when we our
discussions have gone over.
   * agree for more lengthy discussions to have a separate meeting or
have the discussion continue in email.
   * Instead of having some meeting items in the agenda, start them in
email and then summarize the outcome of the discussion in the meeting.
   * agreed about communicating actions status the night before


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Steven Adler <> wrote:
> Last call, we spend 45 minutes talking about Zakim, actions, approving
> minutes from the call prior, and Phil's latest (good) idea about preserving
> data.  We had a brief mention about the use case webinar from Palo Alto, but
> it was about 5 minutes.  In the last 15 minutes we had an interesting
> exchange of views.  But we never got through 2/3 of the planned agenda.
> I would like all of our calls to be at most 15 minutes on W3C Process and at
> least 45 minutes exchanging views and discussing the agenda topics.
> Does anyone else feel this way and do we have any ideas on how we can reduce
> process and increase communication?  Can we approve last meetings minutes
> via email vote prior to the next call?  Can we communicate pending action
> item status the night before the call?
> Lets discuss this via email.  Looking forward to your thoughts.
> Best Regards,
> Steve
> Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Agai

Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 19:13:57 UTC