W3C Process

Last call, we spend 45 minutes talking about Zakim, actions, approving 
minutes from the call prior, and Phil's latest (good) idea about 
preserving data.  We had a brief mention about the use case webinar from 
Palo Alto, but it was about 5 minutes.  In the last 15 minutes we had an 
interesting exchange of views.  But we never got through 2/3 of the 
planned agenda. 

I would like all of our calls to be at most 15 minutes on W3C Process and 
at least 45 minutes exchanging views and discussing the agenda topics. 

Does anyone else feel this way and do we have any ideas on how we can 
reduce process and increase communication?  Can we approve last meetings 
minutes via email vote prior to the next call?  Can we communicate pending 
action item status the night before the call? 

Lets discuss this via email.  Looking forward to your thoughts.

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 18:08:14 UTC