Re: Minutes of the 2018-11-20 call

Thanks for self-organising and apologies for having to miss.


Monday, 3rd
10:30 - 16:30


Tuesday, 4th

it is!

Fine by me,

⁣Sent from mobile.​

On Nov 20, 2018, 17:14, at 17:14, Eva Schlehahn <> wrote:
>Dear Axel, dear all,
>during that call we also discussed the schedule for the Vienna meeting 
>on Dec 3rd and possibly, also the 4th.
>I raised the issue that many of us probably will not travel on the 
>weekend but on Monday morning, as I will do so myself.
>Therefore, start time 8:30 in the morning is definitely too early for 
>me, I will miss things then.
>Consequently, my suggestion would be to have a timeline that could 
>roughly look like this:
>10:30 start time on Dec 3rd, with only a short lunch break, and until
>Continuing on Dec 4th 9:00 until lunch time
>My strong guess is that we could use the time on the 4th as well, since
>we have a lot of stuff to discuss.
>With this email, I consider action item 41 as done. :)
>Harsh will set up a wiki page where people can make suggestions on the 
>discussion needs/agenda items in detail. So you'll receive another
>from him addressing the Vienna meeting soon (action 40).
>Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein
>Eva Schlehahn,
>Holstenstraße 98, 24103 Kiel, Tel. +49 431 988-1204, Fax -1223
> -
>Informationen über die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten durch
>die Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und zur verschlüsselten
>Am 20.11.2018 um 16:55 schrieb Rigo Wenning:
>> Hi all,
>> we had a nice call today. The Agenda we used was created by Axel
>> Minutes are at
>>   --Rigo
>> On Monday, November 19, 2018 8:46:28 AM CET Axel Polleres wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> For the DPVCG call tomorrow 20/11/2018, I suggest to follow the
>>> agenda and focus on preparing the meeting in Vienna on December 3rd
>(in two
>>> weeks from now) Unfortunately, I cannot participate myself due to
>>> meeting I can't move, so I'd kindly ask Bert to chair. Please
>>> questions you have in terms of local logistics in particular, which
>I will
>>> then try to answer per email, see also below (where I added some
>>> already)
>>> Thanks & best regards,
>>> Axel
>>> --------
>>> For dial-in info, cf.
>>> Also, please join us on IRC: <>
>>> < <>> --> join channel #dpvcg
>>> Agenda:
>>> 1) Roll call, select scribe, agenda
>>> 2) Approval of last telcon's minutes:
>>> 3) Go through action items (we might want to keep this short)
>>> <> 4) Progress
>>> last call
>>> 5) discuss/prioritize Agenda items for the meeting in Vienna
>>>  - fix breaks/lunchtime (such that I can look for options where we
>> go)
>>> - decide whether we want to continue 4th in the morning as well
>(maybe in a
>>> smaller group? such that I know whether I have to book another room)
>>> Logistics, as far as known already:
>>> Please note, that I suggest the following timeline for the vienna
>>>  Room:
>>> <> Start: 8:30
>>>  End: 16:30
>>> The Vienna Semantic Web meetup which has as a topic this time W3C
>>> Standardization will start right afterward at 17:00
>>> you want to join, please don't forget to register.
>>> --
>>> Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
>>> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
>>> url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2018 18:50:43 UTC