Re: Whose problem is a strange French typesetting habit...

On Mon, 2013-10-28 at 13:46 +0000, Ishii, Koji a | Koji | BLD wrote:
> Oh, it looks like I mislead you. The link below points to 2011 version of
> the WD. Its latest version is here[1]. As you can see, we've made it Last
> Call two weeks ago by deferring the 'text-spacing' property to future
> levels.
> So if the IG supports this property (because it does not require authors
> to use <q>, or it supports '!' case while <q> does not, etc.,) I would
> recommend:

I think having to put
  This is Tediou<span class="fs">s!</span>
everywhere even with CSS, would be unacceptable, and might interact
badly with hyphenation. Letter spacing may also add space before the "s"
and after the "!" in this examples, creating other problems, but that
detail remains to be specified at level 4.

The Prince solution is one approach, with substitutions; transformations
(actually XSLT) is also how XSL-FO handles it; another way might be
CSS-based font adjustments, e.g. kerning-pairs and


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

Received on Monday, 28 October 2013 15:02:09 UTC