Re: [Powerbox] A RESTful proposal for Web enabling devices

Hi Tyler,

I think the language in Section 4, "Provider Installation" could
perhaps be clarified. Namely, from reading it (admittedly somewhat
quickly) there were at least two things that were unclear to me.

First, on using the <link rel="Provider"> for provider discovery, how
would you imagine this to be used. Would you imagine, for example,
that Flickr would link to a photo-chooser provider from every page on
their site? Just the home page? Or something else?

Second, you state that "A user-agent MUST provide a presentation of an
offered Provider", which to me sounds like the user-agent is popping
up a dialog box on every page, and the user (-agent) can't tell that
dialog to never be shown again. Or, that the user/-agent isn't free to
say "never show me providers unless I ask for them". Perhaps there's
some way this can be altered to be more popup-banning friendly?

-- Dirk

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Tyler Close <> wrote:
> Mark Miller, Marc Seaborn and myself have created a draft proposal for
> a RESTful approach to addressing the design challenges this WG is
> working one. The Powerbox is a general purpose mechanism for
> introducing customer content to new and potentially private resources.
> New kinds of resources can be made accessible to Web content by using
> the Powerbox for discovery and introduction, existing user-agent APIs
> such as XMLHttpRequest for interaction, existing MIME media types for
> syntax, and HTTP methods for general semantics.
> The attached proposal provides exact details on how a Powerbox works,
> provides advice on how to use it and explains one example use-case,
> making a video camera accessible to Web content. I hope to expand the
> proposal with additional examples. Please suggest examples you'd find
> compelling.
> We hope this proposal can provide a basis for this WG's design work,
> so we're interested in feedback on the proposal and how it might
> better meet the needs of this WG.
> --Tyler

Received on Friday, 19 February 2010 23:37:18 UTC