from March 2017 by subject

[accelerometer] Add permission descriptor for Accelerometer API

[accelerometer] includeGravity parameter turns low-level sensor into high-level fused one.

[accelerometer] Integration in Permission API

[accelerometer] Split Accelerometer interface

[ambient-light] Adapt ALS to the latest changes in the Generic Sensor API

[ambient-light] Add description for use cases

[ambient-light] Update ALS to latest generic sensor spec.

[battery] Allow use from within secure context and top-level browsing context only

[battery] Detect battery saving mode

[battery] Detect power saving mode

[html-media-capture] Fix #4: Make @capture an enumerated attribute

[html-media-capture] Update test suite

[magnetometer] Add permission descriptor for Magnetometer API

[magnetometer] Add RawMagnetometer, for uncalibrated readings.

[sensors] Batching API for sensor readings

[sensors] Calibration using other sensors

[sensors] Call 'onchange' on a Senor instance considering its own frequency hint

[sensors] Call 'onchange' only when data changes and considering frequency hint

[sensors] Do we need a lightweight interface representing available sensors?

[sensors] Don't allocate response objects to avoid triggering GC

[sensors] Dynamic sensor add/remove

[sensors] Find a better name for 'unconnected' state

[sensors] Fix deploy script for PRs

[sensors] granularity of Permission name for concrete/ fusion sensors

[sensors] Javascript 120Hz devicemotion events for high end inertial applications

[sensors] Provide the DeviceOrientation sensor

[sensors] Relax requirements for asking permissions in sensors

[sensors] Sensor discovery

[sensors] Simplify extension of the Permissions API for concrete sensor implementations

[sensors] Simplify permissions.

[sensors] Top-level browsing context restrictions.

[sensors] Use 'activate' semantics in state and method names

Closed: [accelerometer] includeGravity parameter turns low-level sensor into high-level fused one.

Closed: [accelerometer] Integration in Permission API

Closed: [accelerometer] No way to get isolated gravity

Closed: [ambient-light] Adapt ALS to the latest changes in the Generic Sensor API

Closed: [ambient-light] API Name Objection

Closed: [sensors] Calibration using other sensors

Closed: [sensors] Dynamic sensor add/remove

Closed: [sensors] Relax requirements for asking permissions in sensors

Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2017 14:23:24 UTC