from January 2017 by subject

[accelerometer] includeGravity parameter turns low-level sensor into high-level fused one.

[battery] Fix ReSpec warnings

[battery] Mitigating potential privacy-invasive usage

[battery] Respec warns about missing <dfn>'s in contiguous webidl

[gyroscope] Adapt Gyroscope to the latest changes in the Generic Sensor API

[html-media-capture] VideoFacingModeEnum as the capture attribute's value

[magnetometer] Add support for raw

[magnetometer] Fixup example to use JS conventions

[magnetometer] Provide API to access uncalibrated magnetometer values

[sensors] Add script to easily publish to /TR/.

[sensors] Call 'onchange' only when data changes and considering frequency hint

[sensors] Clarify scope of generic sensor

[sensors] DOMExceptions when calling stop/start on already stopped/started sensor

[sensors] Find a better name for 'unconnected' state

[sensors] Fix Sensor.start() operation description

[sensors] Javascript 120Hz devicemotion events for high end inertial applications

[sensors] latest reading should be declarted as an internal slot

[sensors] latest reading should be declarted as internal slot

[sensors] Make timestamp nullable

[sensors] Malicious use of the phone's Gyroscope

[sensors] Reading attributes at different sensor states

[sensors] Sensor.timestamp must be nullable

[sensors] Split parameters between start() and constructor

[sensors] Updating privacy considerations - accounting

[vibration] Fix ReSpec warnings

[wake-lock] "System" wake lock use cases

[wake-lock] chore: fix ReSpec warnings (closes #91)

[wake-lock] Fix respec warnings

[wake-lock] TAG feedback on wake-lock API

[wake-lock] The spec is unnecessarily strict in regard to promise handling

Closed: [sensors] Clarify scope of generic sensor

Closed: [sensors] DOMExceptions when calling stop/start on already stopped/started sensor

Closed: [sensors] Don't allocate response objects to avoid triggering GC

Closed: [sensors] Eventually rename the SensorReading timeStamp attribute for consistency with DOM events.

Closed: [sensors] Fix Sensor.start() operation description

Closed: [sensors] Frequency readout allows fingerprinting sensors, privacy.

Closed: [sensors] Malicious use of the phone's Gyroscope

Closed: [sensors] Meta: figure out why travis fails for pull requests

Closed: [sensors] Move default sensor check to start()

Closed: [sensors] Possibility of cross-domain communication using frequency in periodic reporting mode

Closed: [sensors] Remove side-effects from Sensor Constructor

Closed: [sensors] Revoking user permission

Closed: [sensors] Sensor.timestamp must be nullable

Closed: [sensors] Should the enum SensorState have nosensor ?

Closed: [sensors] Should we request permission when sensor is not supported by the platform?

Closed: [sensors] Updating privacy considerations - accounting

Closed: [sensors] Updating security and privacy considerations

Closed: [wake-lock] "System" wake lock use cases

Closed: [wake-lock] Fix respec warnings

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2017 15:09:48 UTC