Re: Welcome to the group and next steps

Dear all,

thanks again for the great workshop at the ESWC.

As one of the upcoming events, we are hosting a 1-day workshop on
interoperability in data spaces (the 3rd in a series):

It takes place in Budapest, Hungary next to the EBDVF on 1. October 2024.
We would be happy if you join and send us your position paper (up to 5
pages) until 16. June (17:00 CEST).

See you there and best regards,

Robert David

Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)


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Am Mo., 10. Juni 2024 um 13:24 Uhr schrieb Pieter Colpaert <>:

> Dear all,
> Thanks for joining our group! Some of you have already reached out to
> ask what’s next. We are currently aligning our ideas on how to steer the
> group and will send out more details early next week.
> Already certain is that we will organize the ESWC workshop as a yearly
> gathering to exchange ideas on the topics of trust (i.e., access
> control, identity, verifiable credentials, usage control policies),
> interoperability (i.e., discussing domain models and their alignments,
> and identifier systems (global, unique, and persistent)) and data value
> (i.e. pipelining and automated data discovery) driven by use cases from
> real-world dataspace deployments. From the moment the proceedings of
> this year are available, we can already start preparing a draft report
> summarizing this year’s edition, and can start discussing potential
> topics for next year’s edition.
> I also was made aware of these two online 1 hour tech talks by IDSA that
> might be interesting for our community members to attend:
>   * 13th of June:
>   * 27th of June:
> The 26st (preconference) and 27th of June, there’s also the SEMIC
> conference that will be well-attended by our community:
> Kind regards,
> Pieter Colpaert and Johannes Theissen-Lipp

Received on Monday, 10 June 2024 12:48:47 UTC