Welcome to the group and next steps

Dear all,

Thanks for joining our group! Some of you have already reached out to 
ask what’s next. We are currently aligning our ideas on how to steer the 
group and will send out more details early next week.

Already certain is that we will organize the ESWC workshop as a yearly 
gathering to exchange ideas on the topics of trust (i.e., access 
control, identity, verifiable credentials, usage control policies), 
interoperability (i.e., discussing domain models and their alignments, 
and identifier systems (global, unique, and persistent)) and data value 
(i.e. pipelining and automated data discovery) driven by use cases from 
real-world dataspace deployments. From the moment the proceedings of 
this year are available, we can already start preparing a draft report 
summarizing this year’s edition, and can start discussing potential 
topics for next year’s edition.

I also was made aware of these two online 1 hour tech talks by IDSA that 
might be interesting for our community members to attend:

  * 13th of June: 
  * 27th of June: 

The 26st (preconference) and 27th of June, there’s also the SEMIC 
conference that will be well-attended by our community: 

Kind regards,

Pieter Colpaert and Johannes Theissen-Lipp

Received on Monday, 10 June 2024 11:24:48 UTC