Re: ISSUE-92 sh:partition added to the spec.


Since we agreed to focus on the terms that are visible to users, I
will edit the definition of sh:partition and remove sh:QCC.

-- Arthur

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:49 PM, Holger Knublauch
<> wrote:
> (I assume Arthur accidentally forgot to copy the WG, so I have brought them
> back into the thread).
> On 16/02/2016 3:01, Arthur Ryman wrote:
>> Holger,
>> 1). sh:QCC is an acronym for Qualified Cardinality Constraint which we
>> use in the spec, so I don't think this is very cryptic. However, I am
>> open to better names, provided they are appropriate. I disagree with
>> using the name sh:Partition because a partition is not a single
>> subset, rather it is a set of mutually disjoint subsets. We could call
>> each of these subsets a node group, i.e. a partition divided a node
>> set into disjoint node groups. The the rule for each node group in a
>> partition would be sh:GroupRule.
> My English is not as good as yours :) and I was using Partition in the sense
> of how hard discs are partitioned, and some tools use to display each part
> as "a partition". This may indeed not be the formally correct term. The term
> Rule doesn't work for me, because rules have other meaning too. What about
> sh:PartitionConstraint?
>> 2) I disagree that these resources are subclasses of sh:NodeConstraint
>> but that takes us back into the metamodel discussion. One main
>> difference is that a sh:QCC resource never reports violations. It is
>> more similar to a sh:Filter. However it does use the same validators
>> as sh:NodeConstraint, which is why it is useful to identify the
>> concept of a node validator.
> Well yes, they never report violations but the sh:partition constraint uses
> them to create violations. In your own example, filters never report
> violations either, yet they consist of constraints (and shapes).
> My thinking is along the lines that all constraint properties for
> sh:NodeConstraint also apply to those partition constraints, and putting
> them into an inheritance makes it natural to reuse their declaration.
> But you are right, this is related to the metamodel discussion.
>> 3 I agree that it might be useful to have different terms for the
>> allowed min and max size of a  node group, but this is a very similar
>> concept to minCount and maxCount so perhaps we could generalize the
>> definitions of those rather than duplicate the terms?
> That feels largely like a matter of taste and I have no strong preference. I
> do think it's worth bringing in front of the group before finalizing though.
> Holger
>> -- Arthur
>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Holger Knublauch
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Arthur,
>>> I would suggest to rename the class sh:QCC (which is cryptic) to
>>> sh:Partition.
>>> I also believe it is simply a subclass of sh:NodeConstraint.
>>> sh:NodeConstraint already supports all these kinds of constraints such as
>>> sh:pattern so we don't need to reinvent the wheel here. The only
>>> properties
>>> that are mixed in are sh:minCount and sh:maxCount. I am not sure that
>>> reusing those property URIs is the right way to go, as they really have a
>>> different meaning here compared to in property constraints.
>>> To summarize, what about:
>>> sh:partition
>>>      a rdf:Property ;
>>>      rdfs:range rdf:List ;  # of sh:Partition
>>> .
>>> sh:Partition
>>>      a rdfs:Class ;
>>>      rdfs:subClassOf sh:NodeConstraint .
>>> sh:minOccurs
>>>      a rdf:Property ;
>>>      rdfs:domain sh:Partition ;
>>>      rdfs:range xsd:integer .
>>> sh:maxOccurs
>>>      a rdf:Property ;
>>>      rdfs:domain sh:Partition ;
>>>      rdfs:range xsd:integer .
>>> Holger
>>> On 11/02/2016 13:31, Arthur Ryman wrote:
>>>> As we discussed at the last telecon, I've added the sh:partition
>>>> constraint to resolve ISSUE-92. See [1].
>>>> -- Arthur
>>>> [1]

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2016 03:04:47 UTC