Re: Recursion in RDF Data Shape Languages

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On 05/22/2015 11:16 AM, Arthur Ryman wrote:
> Peter,
> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 6:12 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider 
> <> wrote:
>>>> This document provides a particularly bad support for recursive 
>>>> definitions because the running example can be easily handled
>>>> without recourse to recursive definitions,
> By "support" I assume you mean supporting 
> evidence/justification/motivation. I agree. I crafted the running example
> to be small and to illustrate the definitions. I refer to the example as
> "highly simplified".
> Your comments are valid. I think the article would be improved if it 
> included a real-world example too. To be convincing, the example should
> make use of recursion in a non-trivial way in the sense that it could not
> be expressed by your SHACL-SPARQL proposal. At this point I conjecture
> that such an example exists. It would be very instructive to have an
> example that can be expressed in something as simple as Resource Shape
> 2.0, but that is not expressible as a single SPARQL query. If you already
> have such an example, please share it. Otherwise I'll try to construct
> one.

I don't know if there is a real example of something that cannot be
handled by the SPARQL solutions.

Even when I try to concoct examples that cannot be handled by the SPARQL
solutions I end up failing.  For example, it is possible to iterate over all
non-literal nodes in an RDF graph via
   { ?this ?p ?that . } UNION { ?that ?p ?this .} FILTER ( !isLiteral(?this) )

>> The running example can easily be handled using SPIN, for example,
>> without any definitions, shapes, or constraints that reference back to
>> themselves.
> I am not a SPIN expert. I thought SPIN constraints were associated with
> the rdf:type of a node which I assume would be problematic since both
> "contacts" and "associates" are foaf:People. Do you have the SPIN 
> implementation at hand?

Remember that in SPIN you can use raw SPARQL.  Just turn what I provided as
a non-recursive recasting of the problem into SPARQL queries.  The hard part
is handling the existential condition, but that can be done via a global
constraint that constructs a violation if a global condition is met,
something like
  CONSTRUCT { _:b0 rdf:type spin:ConstraintViolation . }
    VALUES ?this { ex:error }
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?that rdf:type foaf:Person .
                        ... . }


> -- Arthur


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Received on Friday, 22 May 2015 20:15:57 UTC