from July to September 2005 by subject

Another look at cwm performance

context sensitivity

Cwm as a SPARQL server

email tracking (especially last call comments) with RDF/N3/cwm

file version to demonstrate flakiness bug in Pychinko with no bNodes at all:

FuXi - 4RDF (N3/Versa) Reasoner


meeting record: cwm dev for PAW 15 Sep

minutes: cwm/paw developer meeting 31 Aug

Notation for sets in n3

pi-calculus test cases

Pychinko bug: rules that are too trivial don't fire in Pychinko.

RDF APIs and Python

use of constraints

using some extra ?L a rdf:List triples

zope interfaces -- human.txt

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 September 2005 16:08:45 UTC