- From: <jos.deroo@agfa.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 22:49:39 +0200
- To: public-cwm-talk@w3.org
assume one calls {set-of-triples} => {}. a constraint. I found constraints quite useful to write rules to detect inconsistencies e.g. {?Y owl:disjointWith ?Z. ?X a ?Y, ?Z} => {}. and to use single triple constraints as rule premise e.g. {?X :cp :hipInjury. {?X :fracture :femur} => {}} => {?X :contusion :hip}. so that given :Ann :cp :hipInjury. {:Ann :fracture :femur} => {}. one could derive :Ann :contusion :hip. and if it would somehow be the case that :Ann :fracture :femur. then one can clearly detect that inconsistency. cwm doesn't seem to be happy with that.. ah-ha! cwm seems to be happy when given @forAll :X. {:X :cp :hipInjury. {} <= {:X :fracture :femur}} => {:X :contusion :hip}. :Ann :cp :hipInjury. {} <= {:Ann :fracture :femur}. to answer :Ann :contusion :hip . for query [] q:select {?P :contusion ?G}; q:where {?P :contusion ?G}. and I'm wondering about that.. -- Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/
Received on Thursday, 18 August 2005 20:49:59 UTC