Re: file version to demonstrate flakiness bug in Pychinko with no bNodes at all:

Yarden Katz wrote:

>Yosi Scharf <syosi@MIT.EDU> writes:
>>Yarden Katz wrote:
>>>>Hi Yosi, sorry for the late reply - still waiting for my dev laptop to
>>>>return from repair (it has latest pychinko src on it) but I didn't
>>>>want to keep you waiting anymore.  Anyway, c.n3 doesn't fire for the
>>>>simple reason that you asserted :I :Win :Today. as a fact, which is
>>>>what the RHS of the rule was going to add.  Firing the rule would be
>>>>redundant as it would add nothing new to the KB.  Am I missing
>>It seems so. We seem to have file versions mixed up. I sure hope I never
>>asserted ``:I :Win :Today.'' as a fact. If in fact I messed up and did
>>assert it, I would like to see where in c.n3 I asserted this fact. To
>>recap, c.n3:
>I misread the first line, it was actually the output after running
>-pythink -- my bad
>>@prefix : <#> .
>>@prefix log: <> .
>>@prefix rdf: <> .
>>     @forAll :A,
>>                :B,
>>                :X,
>>                :Y,
>>                :Z .
>>      :a1 rdf:first 1; rdf:rest :a2 .
>>      :a2 rdf:first 2; rdf:rest rdf:nil .
>>      :a1   a :List;
>>         :help2 rdf:nil;
>>         :reverse_helper rdf:nil .
>>    rdf:first      :X;
>>    rdf:rest       :Y;
>>    :reverse_helper :Z;
>> .
>> :B :help2          :Z; .
>>{:I :Win :Today } .
>What Pychinko version are you using?
I am using the latest pychinko svn, with the following local changes:
syosi@mr-burns:~/pychinko/pychinko$ svn diff
---   (revision 4613)
+++   (working copy)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@

 import sys

-CWM  = ""
-PY   = "python"
+CWM  = "/home/syosi/CVS-local/WWW/2000/10/swap/"
+PY   = "python2.4"
+CWMSOURCE = "/home/syosi/CVS-local/WWW/2000/10/swap/"

 sys.path += [CWMSOURCE]
--- (revision 4613)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@

-logimplies = (URI, '')
+logimplies = (URI, '')

 def getPatternType(pred):
     if pred in PychBuiltins or pred in CWMBuiltins:


Received on Monday, 22 August 2005 15:19:57 UTC