"in progress" (was Fwd: [csvw] added source & source number properties (#207))
[admin] Recording changes in documents
ACTION-62: Check beamer setup for non google staff
ACTION-63: Raise issue of json-ld subsets at the data activity coordination group
ACTION-64: Do an analysis on union types to see if they are prevalent in real data
Agenda for CSV WG F2F
Column merging is not clear...
Conformance sections in our documents
DataStore, Layers and legacy files
Fwd: Analysis of different datatypes per column
Meeting minutes, 2015-02-04
Meeting minutes, 2015-02-18
Minutes from the 1st F2F day
Minutes of the 2nd F2F day...
no need to create new GitHub ISSUE for access to literal value from URI template
Rough cut Fe25 CSVW minutes
Suggestions for tomorrow's telecon
Telcon today
Last message date: Friday, 27 February 2015 13:20:59 UTC