Re: dependencies in tests

Le 2015-06-17 02:47, Florian Rivoal a écrit :
>> On 17 Jun 2015, at 05:37, Gérard Talbot <> 
>> wrote:
>> If you can describe the vertical-text cursor with simple words, then 
>> it would be sufficient.
> I do describe it with words.
> However, I am not testing the 'vertical-text' cursor. I am testing the
> 'text' cursor, which the UA is allowed to rotate when placed over
> vertical text.
>> What I often do is indicate that the glyphs of the words (say, "Text 
>> sample") tested should be rotated 90° clockwise (or translated 
>> vertically if 'text-orientation: upright' is being tested) and that 
>> the cursor should look like a short horizontal bar. By writing all 
>> that, you are also verifying that the user agent supports vertical 
>> writing-mode.
> But I am not interested in verifying that the UA supports vertical
> mode. Cursor and writing modes can interact, and how they behave when
> they do is defined, but cursor does not have a dependency on writing
> modes.
>  - Florian

may  Behavior tested is preferred but OPTIONAL. [RFC2119]

should  Behavior tested is RECOMMENDED, but not REQUIRED. [RFC2119]

An UA is not required to pass tests that are testing a specification 
sentence with a "may" or "should" in order to claim conformance with the 
spec. My understanding.

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Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2015 20:46:47 UTC