Re: CSS2.1 Test Suite Beta 1

> Published:
> I'll put a zipfile up on W3C's server once I've given you all
> a chance to find any obvious glaring errors in the build. :]
> This build should contain all tests that were submitted for the
> CSS2.1 Test Suite, and, aside from a handful of tests I expect
> us to write for the issues now being resolved in the CSSWG,
> should be considered complete for the remainder of the CR
> period (after which we will reopen for submissions for version
> 2.0 to continue the drive towards interoperability).
> ~fantasai


It seems that the html4 testcases all have a wrong doctype declaration.


(and all testcases in chapter 1:

uses an XHTML doctype decl. and an invalid XHTML doctype decl. as well.

regards, Gérard
Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 test suite (beta 1; July 1st 2010):

CSS 2.1 test suite contributors:

Received on Thursday, 1 July 2010 15:20:06 UTC