Re: CSS Selectors -- clarification requested

Ian Hickson wrote:

>On Sat, 29 May 2004, Justin Wood wrote:
>>I'm not sure, but clarifying the pass/fail a bit more can't hurt:
>>    "If your UA uses a pointing device, the cursor must be [......]
>>    otherwise this test fails."
>   "X must be Y otherwise the test has failed"
>   "X should Y"
>...mean the same thing except the latter is much easier to understand.
>I really don't see the advantage of changing this. Almost every test says
>"should". If someone doesn't understand that "This line should be green."
>means that if it isn't green the test has failed, then someone should
>explain that to them, because they're going to have trouble ever finding
>a failure.
Well as far as I am concerned, (completely my opinion) the other tests, 
say should, along with /one/ feature tested...the one in question says 
"check that they look the same, " for the selection AND it says that the 
cursor should be the same, which usually is ok, but with the text as is, 
is a bit misleading....perhaps splitting the two /features/ then?

~Justin Wood

Received on Saturday, 29 May 2004 20:08:43 UTC