Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Creating 'classes' of transition groups (#8319)

Is it possible to use existing CSS selectors instead of adding a new CSS property?

Taking @jakearchibald's original example, it would look like this:

Assuming box boxes also have the `box` class applied.

.box-1 {
  view-transition-name: box-1;

.box-2 {
  view-transition-name: box-2;

.box::view-transition-group(*) {
  /* … */

/* OR */

::view-transition-group(*):where(.box) {
  /* … */
/* You can choose `:where` or `:has` or `:is` or whatever makes most sense. */

When I think about any performance concerns with selector performance,
it feels like the same concerns would exist when applying the `view-transition-class` property too.

Using the selector directly seems to remove one level of indirection.

I prefer the `.box::view-transition-group(*)` syntax more because it communicates a type
of relationship between the DOM element and the "view". The view a pseudo element _associated_ with the DOM element, but it's not a parent-child or sibling relationship.

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