Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Creating 'classes' of transition groups (#8319)

> > The classes are taken from the new element CSS, unless there is no new element (exit transition), in which case it's taken from the old element.
> Could you clarify what this means?

It means that in the following scenario:
.icon { view-transition-class: c1; view-transition-name: image; }
.hero { view-transition-class: c2; view-transition-name: image; } 

The matching class would be:
- `c1` if transitioning from hero to icon, or from icon to a state where neither are in the DOM.
- `c2` if transitioning from icon to hero, or from hero to a state where neither are in the DOM.

> > The selector should allow multiple classes, and any of them have to match the transition's view-transition-class.
> This behaviour would be misleading if the syntax for the selector contains: `.class1.class2`, which, in CSS means both classes are applied. So I would prefer this syntax: `::view-transition-group(* of class1 class2)`. Since these are _not_ CSS selectors, I would like to use different syntax if possible.

Yes, sorry, I need to reword this.

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