Looking for a new editor and implementers for vc-json-schema

I am looking for a new editor to join to assist with the development of the
vc-json-schema <https://w3c.github.io/vc-json-schema/> work item, which is
in CR.

Similarly, I am looking for implementers of the specification — anyone who
wishes to use a JSON Schema with their VC — to pass the CR exit criteria.

Please reach out!


Gabe Cohen

Lead Platform Engineer, Verifiable Credentials

gabe@tbd.email <gcohen@tbd.email>

TBD <http://tbd.website/> | LinkedIn <https://linkedin.com/in/cohengabe> |
Twitter <https://twitter.com/decentralgabe>

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 17:41:27 UTC