[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2023-12-12

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


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W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2023-12-12

  Mike Prorock, Kimberly Linson, Harrison Tang
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Harrison Tang, Andrew Hughes, pauld gs1, Jing Chao, David Waite, 
  Vanessa , Erica Connell, Dmitri Zagidulin, Rashmi Siravara, Joe 
  Andrieu, Adrian Gropper, Brian Campbell, Nis Jespersen , Will, 
  Benjamin Young, David I. Lehn, Wendy Seltzer, Bob Wyman, Kimberly 
  Linson, Jeff O - HumanOS, Kaliya Young, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau 
  (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Kayode Ezike, Andres Uribe, Susan 

Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Hello and welcome to this week's w3c ccg meeting.
Harrison_Tang: Double check if the transcriber works.
Harrison_Tang: Okay good so today we're very pleased to have 
  Andrew Hughes to actually present and lead a discussion on the 
  latest in the mdl mobile driver license standards but before we 
  get to the manage and just want to quickly go through some and 
  stuff first of all just wanted to have a quick reminder on the 
  code of ethics and professional conduct just want to make sure 
  that we hold a respectful conversations that we have always had 
  actually so.
Harrison_Tang:  that's okay.
Harrison_Tang: A quick note on the intellectual property anyone 
  can participate in these calls however all substantive 
  contributions to any ccg work items must be members of the ccg 
  with for IPR agreement sign so if you have any questions in 
  regards to that or if you have encounter issues joining ccg 
  Community creating a w3c account just email any of the cultures 
  here all right a quick call note these meetings are being.
Harrison_Tang:  I guess.
Harrison_Tang: Choose right now give me a second.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Harrison_Tang: Alright so I hope the previous segment gets got 
  recorded but now it should work let me double-check.
Harrison_Tang: All right cool so as you can tell these meetings 
  are being automatically recorded and automatically transcribed we 
  will publish the meeting minutes in the next few days now we used 
  to teach at 2q the speakers you can type in Q + to add yourself 
  to the queue or q- to remove you can type in Cube question mark 
  to see who is in the queue and then we also have an automatic 
  video recording as well but right now we haven't had the.
Harrison_Tang:  a chance to add those links into the.
Harrison_Tang: Automatic like email sent right to the meeting 
  minutes so I'll do it manually in the weekly meeting agenda 
  meetings that I've done right in the every week in the past year.
Harrison_Tang: Next just introductions and reintroductions if 
  you're new to the community or you want to re-engage with the 
  community please feel free to just mute and introduce yourself.
Benjamin Young:  I have less of an introduction but I'm I'm 
  Benjamin you and I work for digital bizarre I do have a pending 
  PR the ads the video archive link to the emails that go out after 
  this if someone would like to review it I'll paste it in chat.
Benjamin Young: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/meetings/pull/90
Harrison_Tang: Thank you thank you Benjamin.
Harrison_Tang: All right any other introductions where we 
Harrison_Tang: All right next any announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Sorry anyone else any other.
Kaliya Young:  No no I have to do myself sorry I just wanted to 
  share that we have a new Regional events page up on iiw site does 
  to support.
Kaliya Young: 
Kaliya Young:  Information about the regional events I don't know 
  if it's been updated yet but the Africa event is actually shifted 
  to prom being in early September it hasn't been updated on the 
  website yet and hopefully will be in the next week or so we have 
  the digital identity unconference Europe in June and will 
  probably do we be doing the APAC digital identity I'm.
Kaliya Young:   Warrants in late.
Kaliya Young:  December next year and registration for Global iiw 
  as it were in April is going to open before Christmas so if 
  you're Keen to get an early bird ticket look out for our super 
  early bird tickets look out for that that's all things.
Harrison_Tang: Well sounds good thanks Kalia any other 
  announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: A quick announcement I guess we did that last week 
  but we'll has joined us as the the culture of the ccgs just just 
  want to welcome in again and he will be helping out with a lot of 
  stuff along with myself and Kimberly as well so just want to say 
  a big thanks to a world for stepping up.
<will> Thx, happy to be involved :)
Harrison_Tang: Also a quick announcement so the next two weeks as 
  customary we don't have a CG meeting on the December 19th and 
  26th will resume on January 2nd with presentation by Dimitri on 
  credentials rendering so they'll be quite exciting and then we'll 
  have exciting speaker line-up next year as well so please 
  continue to hop on.
Harrison_Tang:  and actually also.
Harrison_Tang: Invite your friends and acquaintances 
  acquaintances to join us as well.
Harrison_Tang: Or any other announcements or reminders.
Harrison_Tang: Write any updates on the work items.
Harrison_Tang: Cool so that's jump to the main agenda So today 
  we're very very glad to have Andrew Hughes who has been with the 
  community for a long time and I would consider him as an expert 
  in the iso mobile driver license standard very very glad to have 
  him here to talk about what's new and what's the latest updates 
  in the MTL standards so Andrew the floor is yours.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Great thanks Harrison happy to be here 
  it's been a while since I've eaten with the ccg good to see 
  things are thriving here so quick introduction for those of you 
  that don't know me I'm and refused obviously I've been in the 
  identity management user Centric identity side.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Do re mi.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): World for quite a while now probably 
  started somewhere around 2007 and have tried to dive deep as much 
  as I can into the new world of verifiable credentials 
  decentralized since over the last four years I guess I was a 
  tie-dye Mia and then paying identity two years each working on 
  basically the mobile ID product and interfacing to the.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): For those products particularly with the 
  iso mobile driver's license standards and I'd be giving an update 
  to various groups really just a high-level sort of where we act 
  for the iso mdl because it's not always obvious where the 
  committee is at so I'm glad too glad to do this now for those of 
  you that don't know I recently joined face tack.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  back in November.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): I decided that I would strike out and 
  try to address the big unsolved problem with digital credentials 
  which is The Binding of the human to the digital credential by 
  which we generally mean Biometrics and Lyme disease action and 
  that's what face Tech does so I'm I've joined a new set of iso 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Which I hope is going to go well on 
  Biometrics so with that enough of that now let's get into the 
  these presentation so I'm happy to take questions at any time I'm 
  not getting into any deep technical discussions on this but yeah 
  looking forward to any questions or discussion as we go I'll let 
  you guys manage the queue because I'm not watching the chat.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Going to do a quick overview of what's 
  happened up to now and then take a deeper dive into a 2013 7 
  which is mdl presentation over the Internet which is where the 
  action is happening just want to put a couple of slides in here 
  about ISO the International Organization for standardization I 
  think that it's hard to grasp what I so is to the world it isn't 
  just it standards.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): It is called the centers for us goods 
  and services you can find all this material and I so dot org so 
  over 75 years old and it's actually published over 25,000 
  International standards so the it part of iso is a tiny slice and 
  all of it is in this joint technical committee one so back in 
  1987 the IEC the international electrotechnical.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  well whatever the see.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Consortium maybe and I so discovered 
  that they were doing a lot of overlap in the technology and 
  information technology standards so they decided to create this 
  joint technical committee and then put all of the ICT the 
  information communication technology standards within JTC 1.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): I saw that most of you know is actually 
  JTC 1 so all of our well-known standards like ISO 27000 series 
  for information security 9,000 for Quality Management's 14,000 
  for environment Environmental Management actually no not 14,000 
  and I'm 9,000 sorry 27,000 JTC 1 also all of the mdl.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): 17 is in jts one.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So long history it's a big organization 
  when you look at it as a whole and you know it evolves from time 
  to time as we might all notice okay so enough of that.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So the mdl projects happened within JTC 
  1 subcommittee or SC 17.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And very briefly.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): In one of the workers within the 
  subcommittee there's a set of a project family for the project 
  numbers 23 to 20 and the idea of these standards is to specify 
  generic mobile Eid so to be clear these generic Eid 
  specifications try to counter the ground you know.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  from data objects and.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): The issuing phase the operational phase 
  which we know is presentation and lifecycle management we cover 
  trust models and confidence levels so how can you be certain and 
  how do you communicate communicate certainty over the security 
  and Trust of devices and credentials are being communicated and 
  more recently part 6 has started on how to determine.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  Venus of.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Area which is what we call things like 
  secure elements or The Enclave secure Enclave that sort of thing 
  scarier is just a generic term for that well should I say about 
  these there's these are building blocks really so a die so we 
  have several different kinds of standards we have some that are 
  more specification style where the requirements are specified.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Unambiguously and in detail and you can 
  determine conformance to those requirements directly we also have 
  these kinds of Frameworks centers or building block standards 
  like these ones what are all of the options are set out so you 
  know for example in the operational phase we talk about 
  presentation of a mobile drawer mobile Eid or MDOC over Bluetooth 
  or over TCP IP in a.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  different ways or over n FC.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And we require implementers to define a 
  profile of the choices they have made coming out of the 
  Frameworks because there's too many choices in the Frameworks by 
  Design so the standards that you know you know of as ISO 18 2013 
  part 5 and soon hopefully 18.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  a 13-part.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Those are actually profiles of mostly 
  part to 3220 part 4 and 2/3 220 part 2 so that's where these 
  going so the you'll see that I'm not sure there's much more to be 
  sending this is I spoke about this one for a while many years.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So the more the main mobile driver's 
  license standard is aiso a 2013 part 5 I I went back to the 
  project timeline site and I so just to get this image which is 
  teeny tiny but you'll have the slides afterwards if you care to 
  take a look all right so as a formal publication process there's.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  all kinds of reviews and.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And registrations and and checks and 
  that sort of thing these are all the official stages the first 
  time that the committee tried to start the mobile driver's 
  license back in 2015 didn't did not quite achieve launch so the 
  standard that we have published today was actually approved in 
  2018 and that's where the the current work came from.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): It was published as an international 
  standard in 2021 and as part of the iso maintenance process 
  there's a mandatory periodic review five years there so in 2026 
  but in 2024 and 2025 the committee has to start considering what 
  might happen in 2026 do we keep the standard as is.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  with no chance.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): To withdraw it do we start a revision 
  that sort of thing so clearly things have changed in the sense 
  2021 and before so it would be some sort of changes I can't 
  predict what those changes might be now a channel 13 5 as I've 
  described in past and many of you know covers the data structures 
  and data model of.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  a mobile driver's license.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Some MDOC data structure the mobile 
  document data structure and it primarily concerns over the are 
  local radio transmission engagement and transmission of the of 
  the data structure includes various security features include 
  selective disclosure while selective release of information and 
  indicates ways to sort of claim.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  Ames as opposed to.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And there's also so-called server 
  retrieval modes which were added because certain issuing 
  authorities needed them for their scenarios but most people tend 
  to view it as device over the year transmission of a mobile 
  driver's license now if there is a point I want to make very 
  clear about this whole family of.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): They're not generic driver's license and 
  generic Eid standards these are designed for mobile devices and 
  that's causing us lots of pain in the ice with committee which 
  I'll get into our life would be so much easier if this was just 
  on you know regular operating systems and regular devices there's 
  a couple of other relevant 1813 projects related projects two 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  6 is 10.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): If you want to test for Conformity and 
  then there's also this technical specification specification 
  under development for registration certificates for vehicles it 
  turns out that every jurisdiction not only has a different way of 
  doing driver's licenses they have wildly different concepts of 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  a registrations.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Forget supposed to represent so that's 
  that's a bit of excitement in that one one of the things that 
  we've been doing as a nice week committee or not as nice 
  committee but as people that are involved in the isil work is 
  running interoperability Testaments it was actually one happening 
  last week I think adjacent to the in-person isil committee 
  meetings in Paris I wasn't involved in that.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  one I've been stepping back a little 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): As I figure out how my new job role 
  relates to the mobile driver's license world and work so I'm a 
  little bit out of date on that but before then Spruce ID 
  coordinated a fully remote interrupt ask for 18 2013 7 which is 
  mgl over the internet you can see the test event results at.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  that you are.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): You'll have to slide decks afterwards 
  but it was it was interesting a lot of I guess sort of the 
  two-week testing window where reader servers were able to receive 
  em dlls from mdl apps over the Internet through two different 
  protocols and you know some stuff was discovered and the whole 
  idea was to feed the information back into the draft standard.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  just to make sure that.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Thing works as far as we can tell before 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So let's get into 18 013 part 7 which I 
  call m.d. all over the internet.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So here's the text from the scope 
  statement in the in the document so technically 18 2013 7 is 
  about add-on functions that add onto what was defined in a 2013 7 
  but specifically the only out on function we added was 
  presentation to a reader of the internet there were others that 
  were hanging around in previous versions of the scope.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  but we discovered that.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Day and there were too many things to 
  work on simply with over the Internet so we've postponed some of 
  the other things like holder binding as we know it connecting the 
  humans the presentation that sort of thing that will come out in 
  later editions in the 18 2013 series.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So what's included the famous diagram 
  which if you've been able to see this back its we're trying to 
  carry this diagram through 8 2013 7 is concerned with interface 
  to between the mdl app and the mdl reader in the language of our 
  committee the reader is software that engages with an mdl app and 
  does the transmission stuff.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  the mdl verify.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Is the entity that operates a reader.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): In the relying party so I'm trying to 
  stay with mdl and mdl reader as the entities that are 
  interchanging so we don't have to deal with operational concerns 
  the verifier or a holder and this is really about interface to 
  that's engagement and transmission over the internet.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Very crucially we are only dealing with 
  same device this is where the reader website.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Is rendered on a mobile device browser 
  and the mdl itself and the app that manages it is present on the 
  same device we are not doing cross-device we're not doing things 
  like using a camera to scan a QR code on a laptop or whatever 
  there are security concerns that are not easily addressed in the 
  cross devices and Aereo so we decided to.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  to try to focus on something that we.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Which is same device and late and wait 
  for the cross-device scenarios in general to be fully more fully 
  developed by the before we try to address cross-device there's 
  enough to do with same device and we're working on.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): As I mentioned before there's two 
  protocols to find an ATM 13-7 the MDOC device retrieval to a 
  website Otherwise Known weirdly as the rest API and also a 
  profile of open ID for verifying presentations so we have those 
  two options within this Speck.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): But it's complicated nothing's easy.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Secure channel is set up based on that 
  engagement data.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): We do offer the possibility of 
  transmitting the engagement data in any other way because it's 
  not always pragmatic or practical for sensible to have the reader 
  directly send engagement data to the app for example with the 
  open a VP you know we can use server metadata published at 
  well-known URLs to present engagement data does not have to come.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Mission from the from the reader and 
  there's many other considerations.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Can I use the same title for the sign I 
  think I might have done that so the things that carry over from 
  part 5 really are the data structure and data elements models.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Sorry I'm I think I might have a typo 
  there I don't know why I said that means Haley's so the data 
  structure and data elements come from part 5 and the ReUse and 
  part 7 G DL the concept of interfaces and many of the security 
  mechanisms that make sense for the OV over the Internet so 
  mechanisms for session encryption some of the session management 
  stuff that makes sense for TCP IP and HTTP and the various rules 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And I'm talking about that sort of thing 
  the underlying intention is really to transport em DOC format 
  mbl's over the Internet just like part 5 transports them over ble 
  NFC and Wi-Fi where that's where we started.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And you can think of it as mdl runs into 
  the brick wall of the internet and we've had to readjust how how 
  the committee thinks of ndls and transmission over the last 
  couple of years as we were 20 to 30 parts done.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Because mobile drivers mobile devices 
  are different I'm embarrassed but not really embarrassed to say 
  that it took me until maybe a year ago to really really 
  comprehend that a mobile device is not a super small laptop 
  because that's what I kind of thought it was before it is doesn't 
  behave the same way there's lots of constraints there's lots of 
  things you can't do on a mobile device for good reasons that you 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Laptop and it unfortunately causes 
  basically bad assumptions if if you misconstrue what a mobile 
  devices and how apps and Os is working mobile devices.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  are able to do on a Unix or Windows.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): It's hard it's hard to detect when 
  somebody has incorrect assumptions about the operating 
  environment until you come to very specific things like the 
  ability for an app to have any visibility whatsoever into 
  anything else about the device is running long.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Apps can't know about other installed 
  apps and many of the details about system resources are obscured 
  or hidden or not available to a nap.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And basically everything runs in a 
  sandbox there's different kinds of sandbox has different 
  functions are available in different kinds of sand boxes but the 
  app doesn't know anything outside of attendance and what's 
  offered through it which makes it kind of hard for one app to 
  talk to another kind of bottom line.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): What did kind of resulted in is some 
  challenges for the iso work group that really have come to a head 
  in the last year things that we more or less most of us thought 
  was reality about mobile devices and mobile apps turned out to be 
  just bad assumptions so we've had to do some scrambling and the 
  adjustment some rethinking about how some of the stuff was done 
  and it spawned off some other group in.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): All these that is heavily related to to 
  the iso work group work so some of them so you know one were 
  handing off control from a website to an MDOC app we really need 
  guarantees that the MDOC app has valid and correct origin 
  information about where the request came from.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): We use this origin info to pass on to 
  the reader so the reader can confirm that there hasn't been some 
  sort of substitution misdirection.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Availability of secured verified true 
  origin info info just varies on different mobile browsers and 
  different classes so we can't get guarantees that every single 
  instance of an mdl cap will be able to know the origin of the 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  which is probably.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Because we would like to use that for 
  detection of interception in this direction that sort of thing 
  we've discovered that some of the typical methods that you would 
  see out in the wild for invocation of a native app on a mobile 
  device they just don't work for what we need to do with em Doc 
  and I'm DLS so custom URL schemes or claimed urls.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): They're not incur entirely supported and 
  then they just don't really work in a consistent way 
  deterministic way a mobile devices they.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): More or less our hack by which a website 
  can invoke its own app right so the LinkedIn website can make a 
  deep link call which we often call it this deep link so the 
  LinkedIn app takes over from the website so for user experience 
  and user convenience.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): URL schemes and claimed URLs are not 
  designed as far as I can tell and I've not been told otherwise 
  they're not designed where a website operated by one entity wants 
  to invoke an app supplied by somebody else you know it was not 
  itself you might imagine this might happen if a let's say a 
  e-commerce website walmart.com.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  let's say once.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): You asked for a mobile driver's license 
  coming from the state of Utah.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Well they're different vendors and the 
  custom URL schemes and your own hem handlers operate in in in 
  ways that make it hard for the relying party to determine a list 
  to to specify which apps should be invoked or could be invoked 
  and selected by the user.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): There's many write-ups about this which 
  I can point you at if if you wish and probably do a she'll 
  probably on a link in here for the real published document also 
  now the challenge with the ISO worker and for all of us actually 
  in the digital credentials world is somehow we're thinking that 
  users can actually do what there's what we think they should do 
  correctly all the time.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  in a world where there's.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Unlimited number of credentials digital 
  credentials and a large number of credential wallets it's just 
  unrealistic now I don't really know what the solution is for that 
  but these are some of the challenges for the for the ice 
  workgroup that we're trying to figure out trying to work through.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And of course there's no easy solutions 
  otherwise we'd be done by now.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): We're we're negotiating internally 
  fairly intensely for last six to nine months on how we can 
  standardize mobile driver's licenses on mobile device mobile 
  devices and communication to mdl.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Verifiers over the internet in ways that 
  don't you know torpedo our own intentions and in ways that are 
  not harmful to individuals and institutions it the like like you 
  mentioned the previous slide probably said too much about it but 
  the way mobile devices work makes it.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Forward that doesn't introduce really 
  crummy ux or introduce security vulnerabilities that that we can 
  predict and know of in advance is that would be bad to satirize 
  those things so we're in deep discussion about how we're going to 
  resolve this and how we're going to deal with it now I will point 
  out that I believe that other groups are trying to do.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  digital credentials of various.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Whatever's on mobile devices have the 
  same problems must be solved it's not unique to the iso committee 
  some groups are choosing to ignore it and let implementers do 
  what they can some are trying to get to a place of safe secure 
  non-harmful specification but there is no easy path on this one 
  however there will be we hope.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  in the future.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So some of you will be aware of the w3c 
  web in the incubator community group The ycg they've started work 
  actively working on this identity credential browser API 
  previously known as the mobile document request API the idea is 
  that it's the idea came from was proposed by members of the iso 
  workgroup the iso committee.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  basically to Divine a mobile browser.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): That can be invoked to pass a grant 
  request to the to a selection process processor router sort of 
  thing so that the request can make it to the correct app 
  whichever one that is the app can cause a credential to be 
  selected presumably by the user in some Manner and then the 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  glittered back either.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): CIA or through some other manner like 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): I forgot the URL anyways there there's 
  the in the discussions are very interesting right now because you 
  know we've got major browser and it was vendors participating 
  very strongly is very encouraging so the Android Chrome and iOS 
  folks and Microsoft's playing a deep role as well they're talking 
  this through.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  and trying to discover.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): What's the minimum.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): What's the minimum thing that needs to 
  be standardized but it's going to take awhile you know as all of 
  you know formal publication of Standards takes years we're 
  hopeful generally is a community that there can be some some 
  interim covid available implementations available that can be 
  used that will actually help solve some of the.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  teams in advance of.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Patient of the standard one difficulty 
  for the iso Committee of course is that we have no influence 
  directly and no control over what is developed in w3c we can 
  participate in that process we can make suggestions and requests 
  what comes out of another standards body is up to the other 
  standards body so we're giving as much guidance as we can and 
  we're participating as individuals as much as we can to.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Basically look out for the interests of 
  the 1800 13-part 7 project so we hopefully will have it working 
  sooner rather than later.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And again you can't say this enough 
  times there's seemingly an infinite amount of complexity if we 
  consider the many wallets many credentials world where any app 
  can be a store a storage place for a credential or credentials 
  where a request may come in for data attributes from more than 
  one credential for two full.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  all credentials or more.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): There there's no simple or simplistic 
  way to address the many many ecosystem but at some point 
  presumably the early implementations will come out dealing with 
  single credentials and limited data sets so that these things can 
  be used in the wild and then as time goes on with experience we 
  can start addressing the many.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Scenarios okay last line.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So I'm not in Paris everyone else is 
  discussing the latest round of proposals for a 2013 7 we're 
  pushing as hard as hard as we were able to get to a ballot able 
  draft that goes out to the National bodies national standards 
  bodies it's part of the iso publication process and.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): I'm still wildly optimistic that we can 
  publish in 2024 if we can get some agreement like this week and 
  we'll let you go in but it might be in 2025 mostly the timeline 
  is very fluid but 2024 is is.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  what we're hoping to do.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Some of you may have heard about instant 
  DHS doing a u.s. national cybersecurity Center of Excellence 
  projects for mdl implementations I believe the call for interest 
  has closed it was in Fall 2023 and they're working through all 
  the applications and submissions to structures several 
  proof-of-concept projects testing out different different aspects 
  of mobile driver's license.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And then you know once a 2013 part 7 is 
  published we have more work to do is committee to deal with all 
  the other stuff but one of the things that was removed from the 
  scope is this person as credentials subjects binding or proving 
  so you can expect that to be very high on the candidate list for 
  what to work on next.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And this is me so hopefully that was a 
  reasonable view happy to take any questions any discussion from 
  the group.
Adrian Gropper:  So yes maybe related to your last statement can 
  you I understanding the complexity and obvious complexity of what 
  you're describing where do Biometrics fit in you sort of how is 
  that impacting or not impacting the short-term stuff that you're 
  talking about for 2024.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So it's not impacting it's so Biometrics 
  is not in the scope of standardization for a 2013 part 5 or part 
  7 the choice to use or not use Biometrics for let's say unlocking 
  the device or unlocking the app or authorizing presentation of an 
  mdl that usage is entirely up to an implementer to choose or.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  or to do it.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And the extent to which the iso 
  committee was considering signaling this holder binding aspect we 
  were starting with basically a data structure to communicate that 
  holder binding was achieved we were not looking to standardize 
  Biometrics of any kind but.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): There it's not out of the realm of 
  possibility that we might mention Biometrics down the road but 
  it's something we don't need to standardize because a it's too 
  big and covers too many other areas of work and we need we need 
  to really focus on getting the driver's license over the Internet 
  first and making sure that we've got cautionary notes no stimple 
  matters implementation guidance.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  on how implementers.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Securing these apps and presentations.
Harrison_Tang: Any other questions.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Oh come on David Wade I know you got a 
  question for me come on.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Ask me about encryption keys.
Harrison_Tang: I could before David think of a question I do have 
  a question on your earlier slides you mentioned that different 
  states have different ideas on what driver license represent can 
  you going a little bit deeper into that I found that interesting.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Okay I'm not I'm not sure I had it in 
  this presentation but yes certainly so.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): What is the driver's license so there's 
  there's a sort of Quasi Phyllis philosophical question about if 
  in the place you live there must be an identification document 
  issued by a government Authority what shouldn't he should be 
  something that is a national identification document a regional 
  identification documents.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  a very.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): To scale identification document should 
  it be a commonly held credential that stands in for a formal 
  identification document and the answer of course all the 
  questions is yes it depends so in in the US and I was to I've 
  been talking with several of the driver over motor vehicle.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Straighter driving driving license 
  offices over the years and I was surprised to find that the 
  opinion of what is a driver's license and how does it relate to 
  an identical identification document.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): What is what is the opinion in the US 
  and the opinion is any of the above so some states view it be the 
  driver's license is a permit to drive.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Some view it as an identification 
  document issued by the state.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Some view it as the combination of both.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): And that the nature of the multi-part 
  document Concepts exist in other places as well so for example in 
  Australia Austria roads they really consider the dryer the mdl 
  mobile driver's license to be of the permit to drive flavor 
  because they have a concept of identification documents for 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): They're trying to be more National 
  identification documents so driver's license is tend to be viewed 
  as permits to drive so I have no answer I just have those little 
  bits of information.
Harrison_Tang: So how does that change and impact the mdl how 
  does this these different requirements like impact mdl like 
  standards when you when you're trying to formulate them.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So they they they don't I mean the they 
  don't really so you know we the committee has you know a strong 
  understanding the personal information that is present on a 
  driver's license in the data model could be used for 
  identification and often will be used for identification purposes 
  it's sensitive it's not to be released or.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  a gated.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): It's needs protection in various ways 
  and that's kind of being the guidance The Guiding concept at at 
  implementation time when companies and organizations to build 
  software how they represent the mdl will vary but that is 
  specifically not controllable by a.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  Anders body.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Let's talk about transmission protocols 
  it's just not something that we can specify we can have guidance 
  we can have the security privacy Annex we can have discussions 
  but what a developer does with software is kind of entirely up to 
  the developer we have no way to control what they do we hopefully 
  we hope that are well informed they do things that are not 
Adrian Gropper:  So what can you say about calling home as it 
  relates to the stuff you're primarily talking about you know the 
  communication between the Oreo holder agents and verify our 
  agents it is the iso process consider calling home absolutely a 
  no no or is it part of what's under consideration or is it 
  completely irrelevant.
Adrian Gropper:   And out of scope.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): What do you mean by calling home.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Because it means many things to 
  everybody all right.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): The physical yeah yeah yeah.
Adrian Gropper:  Well what I mean simply is you know when the cop 
  pulls you over and ask for your driver's license takes it to the 
  car and looks it up in whatever database they look this stuff up 
  in right so when that's all I mean that's exactly what I mean 
  same thing at a border crossing.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Right so long law enforcement.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Is authorized to do such things.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): The the whole concept of.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): A authorized agent looking you up in 
  some database databases that is explicitly authorized activity.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): There is nothing in the iso standard 
  that prohibit prohibits lawful use of whatever implementers 
  create period.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): That's my opinion on calling home in the 
  lawfully authorized situation.
Adrian Gropper:  I guess I guess my question was is this 
  something that the group actively tries to avoid in the 
  unauthorized situations.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): In a 2013 5 and 8 2013 7 we've 
  explicitly defined protocols that do not require the verifier or 
  the the reader to connect with the issue.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): So there are options available that just 
  do not require any sort of communication at transaction time 
  between the reader and the issuer now.
Adrian Gropper:  But how about intermediaries other than the 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): We have no control over the Internet or 
  infrastructure I mean we specify way ways especially in the well 
  actually we do not require any live connection and transaction 
  time between the reader and the issuer or their agents or 
  intermediaries there are ways.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): With obviously with server retrieval 
  you're doing a live record retrieval and some jurisdictions 
  require that but.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Most some number of implementations 
  agree with the must be able to use it without having to confirm 
  anything with the issuer directly at transaction time I'm trying 
  to be careful with the language I'm using because I believe that 
  the phrase calling home has lots of unintended meanings.
Adrian Gropper:  Know your your answer was reasonably clear are 
  you saying that the assumption is that there is no network other 
  than whatever is being used locally between the holder and the 
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): We don't make any assumptions on the iso 
  committee for that that's entirely implementation-dependent what 
  we do allow for 18 2013 5 for the local transmission over the air 
  is completely disconnected from the internet usage right so the 
  so-called offline use where the reader has no internet 
  connectivity and the mobile device has no internet connectivity.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  and there are there are.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): That directly support that operation so 
  that there's no possibility of calling home in that scenario now 
  you know I my personal hope is that for the in-person 
  presentation implementers you know hopefully would tend to use 
  that mode but again it we can't control what implementers choose 
  to do.
Harrison_Tang: Right now we have one one more question and 
  Suzanne you're on the Queue sorry we're almost home.
Susan_Stroud: Yes very good I just wanted to kind of go back to 
  the state conversation and understand you know and scenarios 
  where a state may have extended the life of a valid license maybe 
  six months past expiration this happened a lot during covid maybe 
  not all states experienced this but your driver's license could 
  indeed be expired for upwards of six months before it was 
  considered expired and so as we think so much about credentials.
Susan_Stroud:  and whether they're valid and whether or not 
Susan_Stroud: Their time frame.
Susan_Stroud: I'm just curious how these scenarios come up where 
  states are other areas may need to extend the life of a 
  particular credential due to an event that does not necessarily 
  mean reissuing the credential.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Yeah yeah so one of the things that is 
  sort of embedded in the whole operational mode for drivers per M 
  Knox and other credentials is this idea of refreshed so there are 
  mechanisms that you could use to refresh.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Driver's license without reissuing it 
  where reissuance would mean the full on go to the drivers office 
  do the picture do the dance all that stuff so there are 
  mechanisms that permit refresh and driver's licenses now how each 
  state and their implementers chose to do this thing of extension 
  beyond the original date I have no direct knowledge.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  I think there's.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): There's a handful of companies actually 
  have licenses in the field and really what we're talking about 
  there is in the realm of changing the acceptance policy of 
  verifiers so the organizations that operate readers they get they 
  have the ultimate choice about what to accept and what to believe 
  from the driver's license transaction so if we verify or says.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec):  that their local policy is the 
  credential must not be expired.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): . fendall rejected it's a verifier says 
  oh wait a minute.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): We will accept a an mdl that has been 
  expired for six months because of the following reasons then 
  they'll accept it but in the technical standard there's nothing 
  that talks about any of that.
Harrison_Tang: Cool thanks well thank you Andrew we're at time 
  but thank you for a great presentation and great discussion.
Harrison_Tang: I think this concludes that today's CG meeting 
  again like next two weeks we'll be off we won't have a CG 
  meetings for the next two weeks and will resume on Tuesday 
  January 2nd.
Harrison_Tang: Might have a good one and happy holidays thanks.
Andrew_Hughes_(FaceTec): Thanks everyone bye.

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 06:24:36 UTC