Re: Do we want a "What is SSI discussion" at future CCG call?

As a newer attendee, I love the idea. Get your popcorn!

  "name"     : "Jeff Stephens",
  "title"    : "Chief Technology Officer",
  "company"  : "Dignari",
  "location" : "Springfield, VA",
  "phone"    : "703-864-7028",
  "email"    : ""

On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 1:23 PM Heather Vescent <>

> All,
> Is there community interest in continuing the "what is SSI?" discussion,
> debate style (point, rebuttal, counterpoint, rebuttal), at a future CCG
> meeting? A little in the style of the "What's in a Wallet" sessions. I
> would ask that we start from a newbie introduction perspective and
> baby-step toward the specific nuances and disagreements. This could be an
> illuminating and entertaining experience for all.
> Thoughts community?
> -Heather
> PS. Credit to Kimberly Linson for the suggestion to run this debate style.
> --
> Heather Vescent <>
> Co-Chair, Credentials Community Group @W3C
> <>
> President, The Purple Tornado, Inc <>
> Author, The Secret of Spies <> (Available Oct 2020)
> Author, The Cyber Attack Survival Manual
> <> (revised,
> Dec 2020)
> Author, A Comprehensive Guide to Self Sovereign Identity
> <>
> @heathervescent <> | Film Futures
> <> | Medium
> <> | LinkedIn
> <> | Future of Security Updates
> <>

Received on Thursday, 25 March 2021 18:32:30 UTC