RAR resources?

Hello list,

As I've been digging into RAR a little bit and trying to see how it might
fit within the VC-HTTP-API work I have found some great resources speaking
about what RAR, PAR and JAR are.

   - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-lodderstedt-oauth-rar
   - https://youtu.be/g_aVPdwBTfw?t=1240

It seems like these have yet to make it into anything available from Auth0
or Okta and I have not found anything available on github..

I was wondering if anybody knows of any open source implementations out
there or are these things simply too new? RAR does instinctively feel like
a good fit for the work in question however I share the concerns Orie and
others do regarding including something that nobody has experience with..

Doing so would likely hinder widespread interoperability.

If anybody can speak to some real world implementations I would love to
hear about it.


Received on Monday, 12 July 2021 17:51:18 UTC