Re: VC-HTTP-API - A follow up on the RAR presentation

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 1:58 PM Kim Hamilton <> wrote:

> Tag yourself:

I’ve definitely sacrificed revenue and left money on the table to avoid
“selling out” and stay the course on “occupy identity” & “if we build it”.

I’m certainly been more satisfied recently with just shipping stuff like
did:onion, file signing & exploring multisig options, CBOR rather than
JSON-LD, integrated UX for currency/identity wallets, better QRs, mentoring
interns that also want “occupy identity” around the world, helping
establish SSI principles as law, and getting grants from donors & “occupy
identity” funders like the Human Right Foundation, than a similar amount of
time on CCG activities in previous years.

I don’t want to see the LESS (legally enabled self-sovereign) Identity work
of the CCG/DID-WG/VC-WG stop, but I am concerned that it overly dominates
the discussion. Also for both sides: “Perfection is the enemy of the good.”

There isn’t a lot of money on this other side of the wall from LESS
Identity, but the water here is warm and you are welcome to come and play.
Come join me and other like minded folk to ship code at

— Christopher Allen


Received on Thursday, 8 July 2021 21:25:49 UTC