- From: Moses Ma <moses.ma@futurelabconsulting.com>
- Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 11:51:18 -0700
- To: Christopher Allen <ChristopherA@lifewithalacrity.com>, Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <b6f065aa-f1cf-fde1-323c-659f22b3d02d@futurelabconsulting.com>
Hi Christopher et al, You're absolutely right. This is why we have recruited: Dr. Ab Osterhaus to join our team - he is one of the world's leading experts in coronaviruses, and his team was first to sequence the SARS virus, Dr. Tony Cox - a data scientist who specializes in epidemiology, and Triall.io - a clinical research organization that has run over 30 Phase I-IV trials and is the developer of the first blockchain tool for clinical trials. All of our proposed pilots will adhere to clinical research methodologies that preserve patient privacy and insure validated data production. However, what we could use more of are privacy experts who can quickly produce innovative working solutions. Two challenges we've identified are: (1) the use of verifiable credentials to serve as digital certificates of immunity, and (2) the possibility of developing interoperable contact managers and globally unique IDs to enable international travel. A big thanks to Victoriano Giralt for stepping up to manage the first one, but I think we still need to find a MacGyvered approach to solving the second... in a way that has a low barrier to federation and adoption. To be brutally honest, we are triaging a solution, and we need to see reality clearly as to whether DIDs can add value short term. If you'd like to work on these sub-projects, please let me know. Again, this is an action-primary team that will need to deliver software on an super-agile basis. Anyway, I promised to share the recording of our first call so you know what we're up to, and you can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rqhpum88k28usti/Zoom-DefenderDIDcall-040620.mp4?dl=0 Finally, I'll try to make time for CCG calls, but I'm getting exponentially busier these days. Stay healthy everyone! Moses PS, thisis a very interesting article about user acceptance of contact managers:https://045.medsci.ox.ac.uk/user-acceptance - respondents were most concerned about “government using the app as an excuse to increase surveillance after the epidemic”. <https://045.medsci.ox.ac.uk/user-acceptance> On 4/7/20 10:19 AM, Christopher Allen wrote: > As was discussed briefly in the call today, if we are going to talk > about #Covid19 technology solutions, we must partner with health & > epidemiological experts to do it right. > > For instance, it has been proposed that we support some kind of > digital immunity certificate. Even if we ignore its possible > human-rights & privacy risks, it can have still have risky public > health care choices: > > https://unherd.com/2020/04/how-far-away-are-immunity-passports/ > > “If you issue immunity passports on this basis, /barely a third /of > the people you give them to will actually be immune. “There’s nothing > peculiar about this statistically,” Kevin McConway, an emeritus > professor of statistics at the Open University, told me. “It’s just > Bayes’ theorem <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem>.” The > likelihood of you having had Covid-19, if you’ve had a positive test, > depends not just on the accuracy of the test but on the prevalence in > the population you’re looking at. > … > In the end, that’s going to be a horribly cold-blooded calculation. If > you let people out when they’re 90% likely to be immune, that means > one person in 10 is going to be at risk of getting and spreading the > disease. Is that risk a price worth paying for reducing the real costs > (economic, social, physical, mental) of isolation? I don’t know and > I’m glad I don’t have to work it out. But someone has to. And they’ll > have to start by getting a reasonably effective test, and testing > hundreds of thousands of people, to see how many of us have had it.” > > — Christopher Allen -- *Moses Ma | Managing Partner* moses.ma@futurelabconsulting.com | moses@ngenven.com v+1.415.568.1068 | skype mosesma | /linktr.ee/moses.tao/ <http://linktr.ee/moses.tao> FutureLab provides strategy, ideation and technology for breakthrough innovation and third generation blockchains. Learn more at /www.futurelabconsulting.com/ <http://futurelabconsulting.com>. For calendar invites, please cc: mosesma@gmail.com Or whet your appetite by reading /Agile Innovation/ <http://www.amazon.com/Agile-Innovation-Revolutionary-Accelerate-Engagement/dp/B00SSRSZ9A> | /Quantum Design Sprint/ <https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Design-Sprint-Application-Disruptive/dp/1799143864> | my blog at /psychologytoday.com/ <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-tao-innovation>. NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: THIS E-MAIL IS MEANT FOR ONLY THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THE TRANSMISSION. IF YOU RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, ANY REVIEW, USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY OF THE ERROR BY RETURN E-MAIL AND PLEASE DELETE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. THIS EMAIL SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED BINDING; HARD COPY DOCUMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO CREATE LEGALLY BINDING COMMITMENTS. FOR CALENDAR INVITES, PLEASE CC: MOSESMA@GMAIL.COM
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