Agenda: Credentials CG Teleconference - Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

Hi all,

We have our fourth Credentials Community Group teleconference coming up
this week on Tuesday. We're going to be focusing on use cases. This
means finishing up the Web Payments credentials use cases and then
getting into the education / government use cases.

Also note the scribe schedule. Mary did an excellent job last week, Tim
is up this week. If your name is the first in the list, you'll be
expected to scribe. If the first name in the list can't scribe, we move
down the list until we get someone that can scribe. If you scribe, your
name is moved to the end of the list and you don't have to scribe until
your name comes up again.

If you want to add anything to or modify the proposed agenda below,
please respond via the mailing list or make a note of it at the
beginning of the call.

Tuesday, September 23rd 2014
Time: 1500 UTC / 8am San Francisco / 11am Boston / 4pm London /
               / 5pm Cape Town / 11pm Hong Kong / 1am Brisbane
Text Chat:
       tel:+1-540-961-4469;ext=6304 (extension 6304)
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribes: Tim, Bailey, Chris, Bill, Mark, Manu, Longley, Mary

Proposed Agenda

1. Complete Web Payments Use Case Review
2. Education / Government Use Cases

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: High-Stakes Credentials and Web Login

Received on Monday, 22 September 2014 01:07:33 UTC