Re: Is the resource "Pick a heading" sending out the right message

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 12:10 PM, WCAG 2.0 Comment Form <> wrote:
> Name: Bim Egan
> Email:
> Affiliation: RNIB
> Document: TD
> Item Number: H42
> Part of Item: Resources
> Comment Type: question
> Summary of Issue: Is the resource "Pick a heading" sending out the right message
> Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
> Heading structure is one of the most important accessibility issues for people who use screen readers, especially those who can't see the screen at all.  A lack of clear guidance in WCAG 1.0 and HTML specifications has resulted in a wide debate on what constitutes an accessible heading structure.
> Eric Myers's article "Pick a heading" does nothing to help web authors decide on a rational heading structure, and may well continue the debate and confusion. Is this a suitable resource?
> Proposed Change:
> Suggested alternative:
> Quick tips for accessible headings
> At RNIB we have listened to the views of countless blind people, and give clear guidance on how to use H1 to H6, so that heading structure gives a clear overview of the page content.   In fact our recommendations describe the way that heading structure is implemented in most W3C documents.
Response from the Working Group
We have added the RNIB article as an additional resource for this
success criterion.

Success criterion 1.3.1 doesn't require that headings be used in any
particular way, only that when headings are used, they can be
programmatically determined.

Success criterion 2.4.10 (Section Headings) directs authors to use
headings to organize page content. G141, Organizing a page using
headings, is a sufficient technique for SC 2.4.10 and explains that
headings should follow the structure of the document and nest
properly. However, it should be noted that although proper nesting is
sufficient it is not required to meet this SC. We have added G141 as
an advisory technique to Understanding SC 1.3.1 and as a related
technique to H42.

Loretta Guarino Reid, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Gregg Vanderheiden, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact

On behalf of the WCAG Working Group

Received on Friday, 24 October 2008 02:06:47 UTC