from October to December 2013 by subject

[Bug 20860] WebDriver Level 1

[Bug 23273] dictionary can not be used for a type in WebIDL

[Bug 23652] Need for a non-normative section describing implementation security concerns and mitigation strategies

[Bug 23652] New: Need for a non-normative section describing implementation security concerns and mitigation strategies

[Bug 23791] New: Provide similar methods for audio and/or video recording as to take screenshots

[Bug 23862] New: Logging to be defined in writing

[Bug 23868] New: [WebDriver Spec]: incorrect use of Move Target out of Bounds error

[Bug 23869] New: Describe httpOnly more clearly

[Bug 23876] New: Typing keys algorithm should special case input type=file elements

[Bug 23949] New: Setting orientation to secondary view angles

[Bug 23950] New: New status code "invalid argument"

[Bug 23972] New: Allow case-insensitive screen orientation arguments

[Bug 24063] New: Don't mandate augmenting the the WebDriver interface

[Bug 24121] New: WebDriver Level 2

[Bug 24131] getCurrentURL is not in the specification

[Bug 24131] New: getCurrentURL is not in the specification

[Bug 24132] New: getElementPosition is not in the spec

[Bug 24133] New: quit is not documented.

[WebDriver] Implementation security issues

Add a way to get hashes of screenshots

Agenda for the TPAC F2F tomorrow

Browser Testing and Tools WG, F2F, 25-26 February 2014

Clarification of isDisplayed behaviour


Editor's Draft updates

Extending Browser Testing and Tools Working Group Charter

Fwd: [Bug 24131] New: getCurrentURL is not in the specification

Minutes from the WG meeting

Possibility to resize the "viewsport" instead of the "window"?

Proposed date for next face to face

Spec Feedback - CLICK

Spec Feedback - general stuff

Spec Feedback - IFRAMES

Spec Feedback - Visibility

WebDriver TPAC Agenda Ideas

WebDriver User Click Possible Error

Last message date: Saturday, 21 December 2013 00:22:36 UTC