from January 2020 by subject

[TIME SENSITIVE] 48 hours left for Verifiable Credentials charter vote

Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 15 January at 1700Z

Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 22 January at 1700Z

Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 29 January at 1700Z

Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 8 January at 1700Z

apa-ACTION-2216: Review webxr gamepads module - level 1

apa-ACTION-2224: Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.2

apa-ACTION-2227: Link in with michaelc on ensuring final format for xr and accessiblertc publication

apa-ACTION-2228: Make sure to update status to show that xaur intends to be a working group note

apa-ACTION-2229: Write twitter blurb

apa-ACTION-2230: Work on status section update etc in rtc

apa-ACTION-2231: Investigate bullet chatting and report back next week

AW: Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 15 January at 1700Z

AW: Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 8 January at 1700Z

Decision on CfC): Publish XAUR FPWD

Decision on CfC: Grant updated working draft publication rights to our Task Forces

Decision on CfC: Publish 3 Personalization TF Documents

HTML Accessibility Review

Meeting minutes for January 22

Meeting Minutes from January 15

Proposed APA Priorities for 2020

RE2: apa-ACTION-2224: Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.2

SENT IN ERROR!: Decision on CfC): Publish XAUR FPWD

Last message date: Thursday, 30 January 2020 13:48:48 UTC