Re: [web-annotation] PROV-O Mapping

The RDF mapping to PROV is already part of the [OA 

oa:annotatedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
               rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasAttributedTo .

oa:equivalentTo rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:alternateOf .

oa:serializedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasAttributedTo .

The [PROV constraints]( detail 
how `prov:wasAttributedTo` expands into activities and agents.

I still think that the PROV mapping could be broadened, e.g. 
`serializedAt` and `annotatedAt` is not mapped in the ontology.  

I don't think there's much more that can be added generally.. as even 
though say an annotation target is "about" an annotation body, we 
can't infer `prov:wasInfluenedBy`-kind of provenance here as the 
"aboutness" can be more abstract, depending on the motivation etc.

GitHub Notif of comment by stain

Received on Thursday, 20 August 2015 00:25:36 UTC