Re: New version of HTTP response 420 Requester Impaired

On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 04:38:23AM +0000, Richard Roda wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback on this.  I have an update for the draft that addresses the technical shortcomings of the original. Specifically,  it defines how an Impaired requester can assert it has been remediated.
> This code is primarily intended to be used in a system-to-system scenario.  Specifically, as a way to deal with the "AI gone rouge" scenario that is possible when a LLM hallucinations get acted upon.
> There is a fundamental difference between a LLM requester and other misbehaving automations such as webcrawlers.  The LLM is an actual user of the system performing tasks autonomously for its ultimate human user.  This error code attempts to define a framework to signal an LLM that it's outside of its guardrails and a mechanism for it to recover.

My understanding is that you are proposing a new HTTP status code because
the new status code indicates
a) a specific policy has been violated and that specific policy
   rendered a judgement of "requester impairment"
b) out-of-band action is required before the server will accept further
   requests, and that out-of-band action required involves informing the
   server or another trusted third party.

The new status code seems to be to indicate that once the out-of-band
action has been taken, the request might be submitted as-is, without
any changes.  This is in contrast to a 4xx status code such as
414 URI Too Long, which indicates that the client should not resubmit
the request as-is since changes to the submitted request are required.

If the scope of your propsal is expanded beyond the specific policy
judgement of "requester impaired" to be more general as "policy
rejection plus an action that involves contacting the server in a
semi-defined way", then I think a new 4xx HTTP status code might have
some merit.

Then again, does there need to be a new HTTP status code assigned (420),
or could additional header(s) be added to responses with an extended
error message and remediation link?
  HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
  error-extension: ...
  error-action-required: ...

Practically speaking, the "action-required" might tend towards needing
a new HTTP status code so that the awful "friendly" error messages that
some browsers use to hide any actual useful information might see the
new HTTP status code and do something more useful than frustrating users
and enraging those who try to help those users since there is a lack of
useful, actionable information.  Then again, a new standardized response
header might also work for that, too.

Cheers, Glenn

Here's one example of error extensions, even though I have other strong
criticism (off-topic) for many other parts of MS-WDV:
[MS-WEBDAVE]: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning Error Extensions Protocol
2.2.2 Extended Error Handling
2.2.3 Currently Defined WebDAV Extended Errors

Aside, with regards to status code 420, there is some more history:
Unofficial codes
  420 Enhance Your Calm (Twitter)
    Returned by version 1 of the Twitter Search and Trends API when the client is being rate limited; versions 1.1 and later use the 429 Too Many Requests response code instead.  The phrase "Enhance your calm" comes from the 1993 movie Demolition Man, and its association with this number is likely a reference to cannabis.[citation needed]

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 10:13:21 UTC