
Hello HTTP enthusiasts,

The authors of draft-ietf-httpbis-unprompted-auth collected all the
feedback we received during and since IETF 116, and wrote a new revision
that attempts to address all of it. The major changes from -02 are:

* Instead of defining a new "Unprompted-Authentication" header, we use
Authorization/Proxy-Authorization and instead create a new "Signature" HTTP
auth scheme (we dropped the HMAC option)
* We added the origin, realm, key ID and signature algorithm to the key
exporter context
* We send a portion of exporter output in addition to the signature
* We added a prefix to the signature input to mitigate key reuse issues
(even though reuse is banned)

The updated draft is at:

We'd love to hear your feedback.

Chairs, we'd like to request agenda time at 117 to go over these latest
changes and discuss any comments/feedback/GitHub issues that might come our
way before then.


Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 20:29:12 UTC