www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org from July to September 2006 by subject

(no subject)

[Bug 1842] Consider effect of XML 1.1-based XSD types on Schema 1.1 adoption

[Bug 1852] RQ-141b -- Changes to Part 2 to align with Part 1 (Requirement)

[Bug 1889] Regex [+-] syntax

[Bug 1916] lexical mappings are relations, not necessarily functions

[Bug 1969] Should Part 2 make the component tableaux normative?

[Bug 2046] R-181 (Datatypes): clarify equality and identity of lists

[Bug 2049] R-182: clarify equality and identity of union values

[Bug 2075] R-085: Request for clarification of QName type

[Bug 2080] R-090: Questions about the lexical and canonical rep'ns of dateTime

[Bug 2088] R-098: must lexical form map to a value?

[Bug 2123] R-134: Treatment of ^ in regexes

[Bug 2178] R-184: Question about pattern and union types

[Bug 2180] R-186: Constraints for min/maxIn/Exclusive facets

[Bug 2188] R-195: Correct error in the description of order for dateTime

[Bug 2190] R-197: Add warning on whitespace processing

[Bug 2195] R-202: How many components are there for complextype extensions?

[Bug 2196] R-204: ComplexType mapping rule issue: min=max=0

[Bug 2199] R-207: Question about wildcard restriction

[Bug 2200] R-208: Question about the lexical space of NOTATION types

[Bug 2204] R-212: Question about VR Element Locally Valid (Element) in Structures 3.3.4

[Bug 2208] R-216: Potential problem with Name and Type OK

[Bug 2209] R-217: Potential problem with Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex)

[Bug 2216] R-224: Questions about metacharacters in regular expressions

[Bug 2227] R-235: Canonical rep'n of -0.0

[Bug 2232] R-240: Question re: Particle Derivation OK (All/Choice/Sequence:Any -- NSRecurseCheckCardinality)

[Bug 2233] R-241: Question re: Validation of an element restriction whose base type has the variety union

[Bug 2234] R-242: Part 1: final attribute of simpleType

[Bug 2235] R-243: Can an attribute prohibited by restriction be added back through a subsequent extension?

[Bug 2236] R-244: Clarification requested for Appendix E

[Bug 2242] R-250: 2E PER: Comments on rcase-MapAndSum

[Bug 2243] R-251: 2E PER: Probable editorial problem, mix/maxExclusive facets

[Bug 2246] R-254: Clarify merge/union of facets

[Bug 2251] R-259: Are QNames without prefix bindings type-valid?

[Bug 2314] R-200: Problem with erratum E1-18 (datatypes)

[Bug 2315] Where Parts 1 and 2 share topics, what is normative where?

[Bug 2423] Clearly define value equality

[Bug 2453] Wrt simpleType, which Part has which subsections normative

[Bug 2506] Relaxing constraints on <all> model groups

[Bug 2554] Should UPA be a model group or particle constraint?

[Bug 2577] xsi loc = redefine loc -- what happens?

[Bug 2578] What does last paragraph of 3.2.5 mean?

[Bug 2609] Fix/Move Single Facet Valid from part 2 to part 1

[Bug 2625] Clause 3.3 of Derivation Valid (Restriction, Simple) unclear

[Bug 2659] lc-2: simple barenames for schema component designators

[Bug 2662] lc-5: Rule out default namespace

[Bug 2723] Start assessment from simple type

[Bug 2728] super/sub -set constraints missing for born-binary pattern, enumeration respectively

[Bug 2734] Simple type property values for ordinary built-in types

[Bug 2742] wd-14: Editorial note on section 5.2

[Bug 2744] wd-18: Duplicate normative parts in Part 1 (3.14) and 2 (4.1)

[Bug 2750] wd-24: Regarding upper and lower bounds (another problem with paternalism)

[Bug 2755] wd-29: URI changes in RFC 3986

[Bug 2758] wd-33: Are lexical maps functions or relations?

[Bug 2759] wd-34: What are the rules for list equality?

[Bug 2763] enumeration facet can't be used on boolean

[Bug 2781] restriction relation among facet values needed

[Bug 2822] RQ-144 Define processor-conformance profiles (WhichPSVIPropertiesReqd)

[Bug 2824] RQ-151 Define schema composition (composition)

[Bug 2827] RQ-143 Question about assessment outcome for attributes (AssessmentOfAtts)

[Bug 2829] RQ-156 Outlaw complex types with mixed simple content (mixedSimple)

[Bug 2831] RQ-158 Suggestion for change to Primer PO Example (decimalZip)

[Bug 2834] RQ-99 Allow an element to be in more than one substitution group (mult-subs-grps)

[Bug 2842] RQ-134 Origin of inherited portions of content model (scd-origin-inheritance)

[Bug 2860] RQ-36 Allow local references (local-references)

[Bug 2864] RQ-3 Address localization issues with date and time types (datetime-localization)

[Bug 2865] RQ-4 Address localization issues with datatypes (localization)

[Bug 2866] RQ-97 Allow typed wildcards (typed-wildcards)

[Bug 2867] RQ-9 Expand wildcard namespace constraints (wildcard-ns-sets)

[Bug 2911] Editorial WD 2006-02-17: pattern valid

[Bug 2948] Datatypes 2006-02-17 WD: use order relation for min/max facets

[Bug 2957] XML Query untyped values

[Bug 2970] Datatypes 2006-02-17 WD: merge precisionDecimal and decimal

[Bug 3026] value space of xs:duration has been expanded

[Bug 3027] erroneous date example

[Bug 3028] editorial nit in The dayTimeDuration Lexical Space

[Bug 3029] editorial nit in D.2.2 Lexical Mappings

[Bug 3030] use of precisionDecimal in D.2.2 Lexical Mappings

[Bug 3033] Canonical form for float/double should match F&O semantics.

[Bug 3040] Date and dateTime formats do not allow some valid ISO 8601 values

[Bug 3047] RQ-153 Schema 1.1 Namespace (xsd-1.1-namespace)

[Bug 3054] Availability of type definition

[Bug 3074] Conforming implementations may/MAY provide

[Bug 3076] Normative ref to 1.0 or 1.1 datatypes

[Bug 3077] Editorial nit

[Bug 3078] Explain apparent contradiction re: order of durations

[Bug 3079] RFC3066 ref

[Bug 3223] Literals in the value space?

[Bug 3224] Inequality

[Bug 3228] Lists|Unions of Lists|Unions

[Bug 3229] Lexical mapping for a union type

[Bug 3230] Atomic = not decomposable?

[Bug 3244] Sets of lists

[Bug 3246] Leading plus sign

[Bug 3254] Consistency of document versions

[Bug 3255] Datatype for seconds component of a duration

[Bug 3257] "order with" in

[Bug 3519] Define 'weakened' wildcards

[Bug 3573] Validation and invalid schemas

[Bug 3587] Possibly confusing examples of decimal numbers

[Bug 3589] Definitions of "schema document" draft proposal for bugs 2822 and 2846 PSVI and processor profiles

[Bug 3659] Bugs in date/time regexes

[Bug 3673] revisit (and enlarge) XPath subset for assertions?

[Bug 3677] [SCD] Numeric predicates confusing

[Bug 3678] [SCD] SCDs for attribute uses and particles

[Bug 3679] Schema component for namespace

[Bug 3680] [SCD] Path abbreviations confusing

[Bug 3681] [SCD] missing component::* from BNF

[Bug 3682] [SCD] ModelGroupStep production error

[Bug 3683] [SCD] Allow for ./ in paths

[Bug 3684] [SCD] // confusing

[Bug 3685] [SCD] (Editorial) Origanize by axes

[Bug 3713] Error describing [element declaration] and [type definition]

[Bug 3714] Over-general description of [element declaration] etc

[Bug 3724] Rule "Content type restricts" needs clarification

[Bug 3725] Editorial: 'context-determined declarations' needs work

[Bug 3736] canonical mappings should be presented uniformly

[Bug 3754] UPA-constraint causing principal problems in document authoring

[Bug 3763] R-241: Question re: Validation of an element restriction whose base type has the variety union

[Bug 3764] R-250: 2E PER: Comments on rcase-MapAndSum

[Bugzilla] Your account www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org is being impersonated

A Vote for XSD changes

About those "non-deterministic content model" errors

Assertions in Schema 1.1 Part 1

comments on Proposed Edited Recommendation for XML Schema Second Edition

Error in XML example in the XML Schema Part 0 Primer

Possible to separate globality from validation's top-level element choice?

Problems with regular expression lexical productions (and fixed versions)

rules for restrictions need to be reworked

Small bug in NISTXMLSchema1-0-20020116.testSet from xsts-2002-01-16.tar.gz

unique attribute names for element nodes

Untangling Schema includes by ignoring included includes

Validation of an element restriction whose base type has the variety union

Wildcards v xsl:stylesheet

Will you be online today?

XML Schema 1.1 suggestion - allow defining of namespaces for named elements or attributes

XML Schema 1.1: Making Global & Validation Root Element explicit

Your email to www-xml-schema-comments

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2006 15:08:48 UTC