Combining 1.1 and 3.4

Hmm. Some interesting ideas have been floating around which link 1.1 and
3.4. Here's an idea along those lines: Drop 3.4 and change 1.1 to say:

1.1 Where appropriate, provide content in more than one format.

Success criteria:
1. All non-text content is explicitly associated with a text equivalent
(images have alt-text, movies have collated text transcripts, animations
have descriptions, interactive scripts have a functional equivalent such as
a form, audio files have a text transcript) which fulfills the same function
and conveys the same information as the non-text content.
2.  For a page that describes an organization or concept for which there is
a well known symbol or logo, include that symbol or logo in the content or
link to content that contains the symbol or logo.
3. For data information, provide a graph, chart, or some other common visual
representation of the data or link to content that illustrates it.
4. When referencing sounds, link to a clip of the sound.
5. Provide supplemental illustrations that aid comprehension of the message
[Note: I realize that this is weak, but my wording here represents my
intent, if nothing else.]

Issues which this raises:
1. I include the phrase "where appropriate", which is a debatable subject
all by itself. I include it here to represent my intent, and not necessarily
the final wording.
2. I use the phrase "all non-text content . . .", so the interpretation here
is that it is _always_ appropriate to supplement non-text elements with

Note that this is just an idea in the rough at this point. I think I'll
leave it at that for now.

Paul Bohman
Technology Coordinator
WebAIM: Web Accessibility in Mind (
Center for Persons with Disabilities (
Utah State University (

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 18:47:39 UTC